An option may be to add Debian support to mock. Then make a tweak or option to the build commands to use a apt backend for building.


On June 5, 2015 6:13:55 PM EDT, Ken Dreyer <> wrote:
Hi Mike,

For the Ceph project, we're very interested in building Debian
packages on Red Hat's build system, so I've been kicking around the
idea of a Koji buildDSCFromSCM task. When I mentioned this to one of
the rel-eng guys in Red Hat, they mentioned that "content generators"
might be able to handle our use-case in Ceph. This was the first time
I'd heard of such a thing.

In your Koji 2.0 planning thread you mentioned "content generators" as
well. Can you provide more details about this?

- Ken

koji-devel mailing list

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