*Attendees: *Ken Dreyer, Kevin Fenzi, Tim Waugh, Tomas Kopecek, Dennis Gregorovic, Jana Cupova, Brendan Reilly, Jim Foraker, MIke McLean, Chris O'Brien, Nicholas Burr, Michal Faruga, Scott Miller, Yu Ming Zhu, Neal Gompa, Jon Disnard, Jon Schlueter *Meeting Summary: * There are 8 users besides brew/koji development team in this meeting, we shared what has been released and got feedback on Koji1.19 & Koji1.19.1, collected the requirements for Koji1.20, discussed if koji support RHEL6 and how to coordinate with QE on the integration testing. More details please check the meeting notes. *Meeting Notes: *
- Koji update:
- Koji 1.19 released - https://pagure.io/koji/roadmap/1.19/ - 51 closed issues - about three months since 1.18 release - https://docs.pagure.org/koji/release_notes_1.19/ - Koji 1.19.1 (bugfix release) - https://pagure.io/koji/roadmap/1.19.1/ - https://docs.pagure.org/koji/release_notes_1.19.1/ - Feedback or retrospective - Neal hasn't had a chance to try it out yet but is glad about the responsiveness and cadence of releases.
- Koji1.20
- Proposed issues so far - https://pagure.io/koji/roadmap/1.20/ - timeframe: - code freeze: start of Jan. - release plan by the end of Jan.
- MBS plans progress - still in progress, Brew start from Q4 - Others
Should we keep RHEL 6 support? (ie py26 support). When can we drop it?
Another way of framing this is dropping python 2 support.
EPEL 7 has support for python 3 (mock, etc)
[kevin] This could be a bigger gain
[ktdreyer] Yeah, I think we should keep the RHEL 7-based packages on py27 for the next year (at least). Jumping completely to py3 on el7 is a big jump.
[kevin] agree, but all py3 would mean everything is using the same code, but yeah.
Target here is server-side (hub, web, builder). CLI could still RHEL 6
[dgregor] what do we gain by dropping RHEL 6 support?
There is a fair amount of complexity in the code because of the RHEL 6 support
[mikem] 1.20 is too soon to drop RHEL 6 support. The answer is "soon".
A good target would likely be summer, 2020 (Koji 1.22 or Koji 1.23)
Start messaging this with the Koji 1.20 release
[tkopecek] should be part of release notes
[ktdreyer] We can also mention that RHEL 6 EOL itself is November 30, 2020, https://access.redhat.com/support/policy/updates/errata
[mikem] The important pieces for Red Hat to continue to support on RHEL 6 are the builder and the client. The kojihub and kojiweb are not as important.
[mikem] There are ways today that we can extend Koji to call createrepo_c... let's look at specific use cases
the oldest postgresql version to support - https://pagure.io/koji/issue/1754
Will we reorganize our documentation pages?
Yes... looking to refactor https://docs.pagure.org/koji/
Will try to keep old urls working when possible
[Neal] The Fedora wiki pages don't redirect to our docs pages, and they should
What do we really want out of koji.build?
https://pagure.io/koji-tools in Fedora
[yzhu] I'm using it, Ken++
[kevin] happy to help review the package
Keepng koji-tools as a separate space for esoteric / one-off scripts, but things that are essential to koji should be in koji itself
related: koji-wrapper and tag-utils from OpenStack guys
https://github.com/release-depot/tag-utils - cli tools for managing/viewing/tag maintenance
https://github.com/release-depot/koji_wrapper - python power user scripting library
related: scripts from XCP-ng folks
https://github.com/ktdreyer/koji-ansible and integration tests
How can we coordinate with Brew QE effort?
kojiweb future
It's possible to replace almost all of wsgi_publisher.py with Flask
Links from bluejeans chat
*Actions Items*
Follow up with Brew QE and Ken to see how we can collaborate on Koji integration testing
add koji-devel to calendar invite for future community meetings
tkopecek: We can set it as a title in #koji IRC channel +- week before
[kdreyer] that's a good idea
Make sure that koji.build works
Thanks, Yuli