On Mon, 16 Nov 2009 10:04:42 +0100 Chitlesh GOORAH chitlesh.goorah@gmail.com wrote:
Hello there,
I bring this SystemC's legal discussion alive again as I believe it would be a very big asset for FEL.
SystemC was refused to under fedora collection due to a licensing issue. Tom Callaway went to talk with OSCI's lawyer with some recommendations, but in vain. I'm in discussions with the OSCI board as well to seek a tradeoff. However OSCI board tells me it is on the trademark item that Tom and OSCI board failed to find a tradeoff.
But isn't Fedora logos and trademarks suffers the same issue ? Perhaps also Firefox/Mozilla.
No; as I recall, there were problems noted with specific features of the SystemC license trademark provision, which have no counterpart in Fedora or Mozilla trademark policy.
- RF