Dne 09. 04. 22 v 1:35 Jilayne Lovejoy napsal(a):

On 4/8/22 8:00 AM, Miroslav Suchý wrote:
Dne 08. 04. 22 v 15:53 Neal Gompa napsal(a):
I don't think we're ready to do this for F37. 

We can always defer it to N+1. Or +2...

what is the timing for F37 and beyond?


Generaly speaking, next version is +6 month to the date of the previous release.

Documentation porting - can I help somehow?

Thanks for asking!

The license data inclusive of the SPDX identifiers has been created but there is still some work to be done for getting it into a usable state (my broad terminology) as far as I understand. David Cantrell is leading that but, so maybe ask if he could use some help!

The move of the licensing documentation from the wiki to the Fedora Docs is underway, but I need to check with Richard Fontana as to latest progress. We will need to get the license data generating a page there for the "human readable" format as well. I'm not sure if there is something that someone else can help with there, but will keep that in mind.

It would be awesome if it can be tracked somewhere? Fedora's wiki. Or Tracking BZ against 'distribution' component.
