
I'm working on packaging Waydroid for fedora. This is a wrapper around lxc that natively runs a patched LineageOS android image. While the lxc wrapper itself is GPL3, the big elephant in the room is the LineageOS image.

On the first use the user is supposed to run `waydroid init` which downloads the LineageOS image precompiled by the Waydroid team, from their servers. It also supports OTA updates from them. The user could instead provide its own images (to a specified location in /usr) and waydroid will skip the download and use those.

My first question is: Would waydroid be allowed to download it's own precompiled images? Does it fall in the 'firmware for emulators' category, for which the policy is as follows?

If yes: who is the copyright holder? AOSP is a collection of projects, most of them being Apache licensed with owner "The Android Open Source Project", but also includes many external projects from various authors with various licenses. Of course there's also some Apache licensed "The LineageOS Team" code and some Apache licensed "The Waydroid Project" code. Ultimately the code is compiled by the Waydroid team.
Some included third party projects are already problematic for fedora, for instance ffmpeg and chromium (which includes ffmpeg).

If no: Can we source build LineageOS in koji? I would need help identifying the problematic packages in the huge list of packages that make up android. Here's my specfile for it: https://github.com/aleasto/waydroid-lineageos-devel/blob/main/waydroid-lineageos-devel.spec, it has 786 tarballs. If you prefer an xml listing of the projects you should look at default.xml and snippets/lineage.xml from https://github.com/LineageOS/android/tree/lineage-17.1
Problems should only arise from external/* projects, since everything else _should_ be Apache.
I've already removed chromium (in the form of a prebuilt webview apk in aosp or lineageos) and ffmpeg from the specfile (maybe forever, maybe until later given the progress at src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/ffmpeg).

Thank you!