The MySQL++ User Manual has another license than the library itself, but the -manuals subpackage inherits its License field from the main package. This shall be fixed, but it's not obvious what the license of the manual should be called. It's described as follows:
| The MySQL++ User Manual is licensed under a unique license derived from | the Linux Documentation Project License. (The only changes are due to | the fact that the User Manual isn't actually part of the LDP, so a lot | of the language in the LDPL doesn't make sense when applied to the user | manual.)
The license text is included below. Shall I call this license "LDPL", or does it need a name of its own?
Björn Persson
MySQL++ User Manual License ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The copyright to the MySQL++ User Manual is owned by its authors.
The MySQL++ User Manual may be reproduced and distributed in whole or in part, in any medium physical or electronic, provided that this license notice is displayed in the reproduction. Commercial redistribution is permitted and encouraged. Thirty days advance notice via email to the authors of redistribution is appreciated, to give the authors time to provide updated documents.
All modified documents, including translations, anthologies, and partial documents, must meet the following requirements:
1. The modified version must be labeled as such.
2. The person making the modifications must be identified.
3. Acknowledgement of the original author must be retained.
4. The location of the original unmodified document be identified.
5. The original authors' names may not be used to assert or imply endorsement of the resulting document without the original authors' permission.
In addition it is requested that:
1. The modifications (including deletions) be noted.
2. The authors be notified by email of the modification in advance of redistribution, if an email address is provided in the document.
Mere aggregation of the MySQL++ User Manual with other documents or programs on the same media shall not cause this license to apply to those other works.
All translations, derivative documents, or modified documents that incorporate the MySQL++ User Manual may not have more restrictive license terms than these, except that you may require distributors to make the resulting document available in source format.
/!\ Disclaimer: this is just my personal opinion as Fedora packager
A mere diff between the two licenses shows that they just replaced "LDP" by "MySQL++ User Manual".
So the current usage would be to use the short name "LDPL" for this license in the spec.
Regards, H.
Björn Persson wrote:
The MySQL++ User Manual has another license than the library itself, but the -manuals subpackage inherits its License field from the main package. This shall be fixed, but it's not obvious what the license of the manual should be called. It's described as follows:
| The MySQL++ User Manual is licensed under a unique license derived from | the Linux Documentation Project License. (The only changes are due to | the fact that the User Manual isn't actually part of the LDP, so a lot | of the language in the LDPL doesn't make sense when applied to the user | manual.)
The license text is included below. Shall I call this license "LDPL", or does it need a name of its own?
I went ahead and called it "LDPL".
Björn Persson