Here are the french ks for localized LiveCD spins.
The current problem with adding dictionaries and man-pages is
that they are disabled in the included ks.
(-man-pages-* etc )
So I expect it would be easier to have an "international - offical" ks
that would allow us to add this kind of packages; without having theses
packages removed first.
Or the other way would be to have a +man-pages-fr to override the
removal directive.
The %__install_lang_macro seems really interesting for localization
works. It will save around 200Mo from a liveCD/USB spin. and will make
the KDE Live spin ... a "potential" LiveCD spin.
Everything is already available from Fedora. The packages just need to
use the %find_lang macro from the spec file. Only cups and
NetworkManager-openvpn (for what i've noticed) doesn't seems compatible
and will install all langs...
Cups will probably not been fixed.
The testing LiveCD french spins are here
(with additionals packages ).
and the ks used to generated them:
Nicolas Chauvet (kwizart)
%include livecd-fedora-9-desktop.ks
# change some system configurations
# System keyboard
keyboard fr-latin9
# System language
lang fr_FR.UTF-8
# System timezone
timezone Europe/Paris
# Localized dictionaries and man-pages
#Support for your language
# Only install the minimal langs
mkdir -p /etc/rpm
echo "%_install_langs en:fr:fr_FR:fr-FR" > /etc/rpm/macros.lang
# Localized keyboard map
echo fr-latin9 > /etc/X11/Xkbmap
# Localized system timezone
cp -p /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Paris /etc/localtime
# Localized default firefox dictionary
echo "pref(\"spellchecker.dictionary\", \"fr_FR\");" >> \
sed -i -e 's/en-US/fr-FR/g' \
%post --nochroot
# Overwrite for a localized README
cp -pR $INSTALL_ROOT/usr/share/doc/HTML/readme-live-image/fr/readme-live-image-fr.txt $LIVE_ROOT/README
%include livecd-fedora-9-kde.ks
# change some system configurations
# System keyboard
keyboard fr-latin9
# System language
lang fr_FR.UTF-8
# System timezone
timezone Europe/Paris
# Localized dictionaries and man-pages
#Support for your language
# Only install the minimal langs
mkdir -p /etc/rpm
echo "%_install_langs en:fr:fr_FR:fr-FR" > /etc/rpm/macros.lang
# Localized keyboard map
echo fr-latin9 > /etc/X11/Xkbmap
# Localized system timezone
cp -p /usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Paris /etc/localtime
%post --nochroot
# Overwrite for a localized README
cp -pR $INSTALL_ROOT/usr/share/doc/HTML/readme-live-image/fr/readme-live-image-fr.txt $LIVE_ROOT/README