On Mon, May 18, 2015 at 12:16:13PM -0700, Locane wrote:
Thanks for the reply Grant.
I can't seem to get livecd--tools to work under CentOS 7 at all - the "rhpl" package has apparently been removed, and livecd-tools requires it to run.
I found it in the rpmforge repository, but the package requires Python 2.6
- CentOS 7 is Python 2.7 (the entire reason for the upgrade on my end, in
Secondly, Lorax doesn't appear to do what I need it to do - I need to generate a LiveCD image from a custom kickstart file, and it looks like Lorax creates an install ISO, not an image designed to come up and run utilities, perform operations and actions from RAM.
Do you have any more suggestions? I'm about to just start commenting out code and see if that helps.
Sorry I didn't see this message sooner.
livemedia-creator is the supported way to create custom isos and disk images. It is part of the lorax package and you can read the docs for the Fedora version here - https://rhinstaller.github.io/lorax/livemedia-creator.html and my recent blog post here - https://www.brianlane.com/creating-live-isos-with-livemedia-creator.html
RHEL7 documentation is here - https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7/htm...