On 2/23/07, Jeremy Katz <katzj@redhat.com> wrote:
On Fri, 2007-02-23 at 14:25 -0500, Luke K wrote:
> - Is there a way the livecd user can replicate the livecd without
> installing it to disk?  The ability to self-replicate would add
> another way to spread these.  (I'm not familiar with the technical
> issues, but if limited memory was a problem perhaps the source and
> destination livecd's could be swapped in and out repeatedly?  Or,
> would temporarily storing the image on a flash drive help?  Perhaps
> there could be a choice at boot time to replicate the CD?)

If you're in the run from RAM mode, you should be able to duplicate the
CD without problems.  If you're not running from RAM, then we really
can't do it unless you have two CD drives.

Given that many users of livecd's will be inexperienced like myself, a useful feature to add sometime would be a "replicate this CD" option under one of the top-level menus, (if the CD is running in RAM mode).  It could also be used to replicate arbitrary CDs.  Although this could also encourage outdated CDs to spread.  It's beyond me to write something like this at the moment. 
