Hello List.
I customizing the livecd of Fedora 6 you developed. I urgently need to
understand two parameters of the kernel. "LIVEINST" and "LIVEIMG", must
fully understand the usefulness of each.
Recently I
discovered a problem with the livecd, a problem which affects the
software in the package lvm2, when do the livecd with bootparam
"liveimg." This is the error:
Parse error at byte 996 (line 43) the expected value.
Failed to load config file /etc/lvm/lvm.conf
The detail is key: this problem only occurs when livecd run on computers with hard drive-type SATA2.
However, the problem does not occur if I use the bootparam "liveist" instead of "liveimg."
I need you to help me understand the concept of these two bootparam
because I believe I can help you fix this in the livecd CentOS.
Please do me respond as soon as possible.
Thank you.
Thiago Santana