# Kickstart file automatically generated by anaconda. install url --url http://download.fedora.redhat.com/pub/fedora/linux/releases/8/Fedora/x86_64/os/ lang en_US.UTF-8 keyboard us network --device eth0 --bootproto dhcp rootpw --iscrypted $1$HNOucon/$m69RprODwQn4XjzVUi9TU0 firewall --disabled authconfig --enableshadow --enablemd5 selinux --disabled services --disabled=iptables,yum-updatesd,libvirtd,bluetooth,cups,gpm,pcscd --enabled=ntpd,dhcpd,xinetd,httpd,postgresql,ovirt-wui timezone --utc America/New_York text bootloader --location=mbr --driveorder=sda # The following is the partition information you requested # Note that any partitions you deleted are not expressed # here so unless you clear all partitions first, this is # not guaranteed to work zerombr clearpart --all --drives=sda part /boot --fstype ext3 --size=100 --ondisk=sda part swap --fstype swap --size=500 --grow --ondisk=sda part /var/lib/pgsql --fstype ext3 --size=300 --ondisk=sda part / --fstype ext3 --size=3000 --grow --ondisk=sda part /home --fstype ext3 --size=500 --grow --ondisk=sda part /var --fstype ext3 --size=1000 --ondisk=sda #part pv.2 --size=3000 --grow --ondisk=sda #volgroup VolGroup00 --pesize=32768 pv.2 #logvol swap --fstype swap --name=LogVol01 --vgname=VolGroup00 --size=512 #logvol / --fstype ext3 --name=LogVol00 --vgname=VolGroup00 --size=1024 --grow repo --name=f8 --mirrorlist=http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=fedora-8&arch=$basearch repo --name=f8-updates --mirrorlist=http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=updates-released-f8&arch=$basearch # Not using rawhide currently #repo --name=rawhide --mirrorlist=http://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?repo=rawhide&arch=$basearch repo --name=freeipa --baseurl=http://freeipa.com/downloads/devel/rpms/F7/$basearch/ repo --name=ovirt --baseurl=http://ovirt.et.redhat.com/repos/ovirt/$basearch/ %packages @admin-tools @editors @system-tools @text-internet @core @base @hardware-support @web-server @sql-server @development-libs @legacy-fonts @development-tools radeontool fuse pax imake dhcp tftp-server tftp dhclient ipa-server ipa-admintools xinetd libvirt cyrus-sasl-gssapi iscsi-initiator-utils collectd ruby-libvirt ruby-postgres ovirt-wui firefox xorg-x11-xauth virt-viewer -libgcj -glib-java -valgrind -boost-devel -frysk -bittorrent -fetchmail -slrn -cadaver -mutt %post cat > /root/create_default_principals.py << \EOF #!/usr/bin/python import krbV import os, string, re import socket import shutil def kadmin_local(command): ret = os.system("/usr/kerberos/sbin/kadmin.local -q '" + command + "'") if ret != 0: raise default_realm = krbV.Context().default_realm # here, generate the libvirt/ principle for this machine, necessary # for taskomatic and host-browser this_libvirt_princ = 'libvirt/' + socket.gethostname() + '@' + default_realm kadmin_local('addprinc -randkey +requires_preauth ' + this_libvirt_princ) kadmin_local('ktadd -k /usr/share/ovirt-wui/ovirt.keytab ' + this_libvirt_princ) # We need to replace the KrbAuthRealms in the ovirt-wui http configuration # file to be the correct Realm (i.e. default_realm) ovirtconfname = '/etc/httpd/conf.d/ovirt-wui.conf' ipaconfname = '/etc/httpd/conf.d/ipa.conf' # make sure we skip this on subsequent runs of this script if string.find(file(ipaconfname, 'rb').read(), '') < 0: ipaconf = open(ipaconfname, 'r') ipatext = ipaconf.readlines() ipaconf.close() ipaconf2 = open(ipaconfname, 'w') print >>ipaconf2, "Listen 8089" print >>ipaconf2, "NameVirtualHost *:8089" print >>ipaconf2, "" for line in ipatext: newline = re.sub(r'(.*RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST}.*)', r'#\1', line) newline = re.sub(r'(.*RewriteRule \^/\(.*\).*)', r'#\1', newline) newline = re.sub(r'(.*RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT}.*)', r'#\1', newline) newline = re.sub(r'(.*RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI}.*)', r'#\1', newline) ipaconf2.write(newline) print >>ipaconf2, "" ipaconf2.close() if string.find(file(ovirtconfname, 'rb').read(), '') < 0: ovirtconf = open(ovirtconfname, 'r') ovirttext = ovirtconf.readlines() ovirtconf.close() ovirtconf2 = open(ovirtconfname, 'w') print >>ovirtconf2, "NameVirtualHost *:80" print >>ovirtconf2, "" for line in ovirttext: newline = re.sub(r'(.*)KrbAuthRealms.*', r'\1KrbAuthRealms ' + default_realm, line) newline = re.sub(r'(.*)Krb5KeyTab.*', r'\1Krb5KeyTab /etc/httpd/conf/ipa.keytab', newline) ovirtconf2.write(newline) print >>ovirtconf2, "" ovirtconf2.close() EOF chmod +x /root/create_default_principals.py cat > /root/add_host_principal.py << \EOF #!/usr/bin/python import krbV import os import socket import shutil import sys def kadmin_local(command): ret = os.system("/usr/kerberos/sbin/kadmin.local -q '" + command + "'") if ret != 0: raise def get_ip(hostname): return socket.gethostbyname(hostname) if len(sys.argv) != 2: print "Usage: add_host_principal.py " sys.exit(1) default_realm = krbV.Context().default_realm ipaddr = get_ip(sys.argv[1]) libvirt_princ = 'libvirt/' + sys.argv[1] + '@' + default_realm outname = '/usr/share/ipa/html/' + ipaddr + '-libvirt.tab' # here, generate the libvirt/ principle for this machine, necessary # for taskomatic and host-browser kadmin_local('addprinc -randkey +requires_preauth ' + libvirt_princ) kadmin_local('ktadd -k ' + outname + ' ' + libvirt_princ) # make sure it is readable by apache os.chmod(outname, 0644) EOF chmod +x /root/add_host_principal.py cat > /usr/share/ovirt-wui/psql.cmds << \EOF CREATE USER ovirt WITH PASSWORD 'v23zj59an'; CREATE DATABASE ovirt; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE ovirt to ovirt; CREATE DATABASE ovirt_test; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE ovirt_test to ovirt; EOF chmod a+r /usr/share/ovirt-wui/psql.cmds cat > /etc/init.d/ovirt-app-first-run << \EOF #!/bin/bash # # ovirt-app-first-run First run configuration for Ovirt WUI appliance # # chkconfig: 3 99 01 # description: ovirt appliance first run configuration # # Source functions library . /etc/init.d/functions start() { service postgresql initdb echo "local all all trust" > /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf echo "host all all trust" >> /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf service postgresql start su - postgres -c "/usr/bin/psql -f /usr/share/ovirt-wui/psql.cmds" cd /usr/share/ovirt-wui ; rake db:migrate /usr/bin/ovirt_grant_admin_privileges.sh admin } case "$1" in start) start ;; *) echo "Usage: ovirt {start}" exit 2 esac chkconfig ovirt-app-first-run off EOF chmod +x /etc/init.d/ovirt-app-first-run chkconfig ovirt-app-first-run on sed -i -e 's/\(.*\)disable\(.*\)= yes/\1disable\2= no/' /etc/xinetd.d/tftp # set up the yum repos cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/freeipa.repo << \EOF [freeipa] name=FreeIPA Development baseurl=http://freeipa.com/downloads/devel/rpms/F7/x86_64/ enabled=1 gpgcheck=0 EOF cat > /etc/yum.repos.d/ovirt.repo << \EOF [ovirt] name=Ovirt baseurl=http://ovirt.et.redhat.com/repos/ovirt/x86_64 enabled=1 gpgcheck=0 EOF # pretty login screen.. echo -e "" > /etc/issue echo -e " 888 888 \\033[0;32md8b\\033[0;39m 888 " >> /etc/issue echo -e " 888 888 \\033[0;32mY8P\\033[0;39m 888 " >> /etc/issue echo -e " 888 888 888 " >> /etc/issue echo -e " .d88b. Y88b d88P 888 888d888 888888 " >> /etc/issue echo -e " d88''88b Y88b d88P 888 888P' 888 " >> /etc/issue echo -e " 888 888 Y88o88P 888 888 888 " >> /etc/issue echo -e " Y88..88P Y888P 888 888 Y88b. " >> /etc/issue echo -e " 'Y88P' Y8P 888 888 'Y888 " >> /etc/issue echo -e "" >> /etc/issue echo -e " Admin node \\\\n " >> /etc/issue echo -e "" >> /etc/issue echo -e " Virtualization just got the \\033[0;32mGreen Light\\033[0;39m" >> /etc/issue echo -e "" >> /etc/issue cp /etc/issue /etc/issue.net echo "0.fedora.pool.ntp.org" >> /etc/ntp/step-tickers # remove the mod_auth_kerb, and make sure we get the one from freeipa rpm -e --nodeps mod_auth_kerb yum -y --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=freeipa install mod_auth_kerb # with the new libvirt (0.4.0), make sure we we setup gssapi in the mech_list sed -i -e 's/mech_list: digest-md5/#mech_list: digest-md5/' /etc/sasl2/libvirt.conf sed -i -e 's/#mech_list: gssapi/mech_list: gssapi/' /etc/sasl2/libvirt.conf # for firefox, we need to add the following to ~/.mozilla/firefox/zzzzz/prefs.js #echo 'user_pref("network.negotiate-auth.delegation-uris", ".redhat.com");' >> ~/.mozilla/firefox/zzzz/prefs.js #echo 'user_pref("network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris", ".redhat.com");' >> ~/.mozilla/firefox/zzzz/prefs.js %end