I'm writing an article and I need some new ideas, can you take a look at it and tell me your ideas http://bit.do/dxy5Y
My Best, mario di cosmo
From: livecd [mailto:livecd@lists.fedoraproject.org] Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2017 11:23 PM To: mariass1952@libero.it Subject: meant e3d im retarded
This is just a guess but I can think of a couple of things right off that might contribute. One would be random wrinkles and creases probably prevent the bills from laying as flat to each other as when they were new. Also perhaps abrasion give the bills a "fuzziness" where new bills are frequently described as "crisp" and again they don't lay as perfectly flat to each other. We probably don't notice the difference so much with a couple of bills in our hands but stack 500 together and it becomes more evident.
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