When the installation root or mount point is attempted to be created, and already exists, livecd-tools will show a traceback and fail to continue. I'm thinking that creating the directory on which to loopmount something doesn't need to show a traceback under this particular circumstance, as livecd-tools should just ensure the directory is there.
Attached is a small patch resolving this (might also test if exists and rmtree if it does and then recreate it).
Kind regards,
Jeroen van Meeuwen -kanarip
On Fri, 2008-01-11 at 19:13 +0100, Jeroen van Meeuwen wrote:
When the installation root or mount point is attempted to be created, and already exists, livecd-tools will show a traceback and fail to continue. I'm thinking that creating the directory on which to loopmount something doesn't need to show a traceback under this particular circumstance, as livecd-tools should just ensure the directory is there.
Well, _instroot (which is a read-only property) is a directory under a newly created temporary directory, so it's a safe assumption that it doesn't already exist, but I've gone ahead and changed it to use fs.makedirs() instead:
- os.makedirs(self._instroot) - os.makedirs(self._outdir) + makedirs(self._instroot) + makedirs(self._outdir)
Thanks, Mark.