From: Ondrej Lichtner <olichtne(a)>
These modules are only used by the controller so they should be placed
in the Controller/ directory. We originally placed them in Common/
because we expected external tools to use them and have them dependent
on the lnst-common package, however now it seems that having them
dependent on the lnst-ctl package will be better. The reason behind it
is that if you're working with recipes in an external tool you're
probably also running lnst-ctl on the same machine.
Signed-off-by: Ondrej Lichtner <olichtne(a)>
lnst/Common/ | 185 ---------------
lnst/Common/ | 205 ----------------
lnst/Common/ | 425 ----------------------------------
lnst/Controller/ | 7 +-
lnst/Controller/ | 5 +-
lnst/Controller/ | 2 +-
lnst/Controller/ | 185 +++++++++++++++
lnst/Controller/ | 205 ++++++++++++++++
lnst/Controller/ | 425 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
9 files changed, 823 insertions(+), 821 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 lnst/Common/
delete mode 100644 lnst/Common/
delete mode 100644 lnst/Common/
create mode 100644 lnst/Controller/
create mode 100644 lnst/Controller/
create mode 100644 lnst/Controller/
diff --git a/lnst/Common/ b/lnst/Common/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cde0b4..0000000
--- a/lnst/Common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-This module contains the XmlParser and LnstParser classes.
-Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc.
-Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 as
-published by the Free Software Foundation; see COPYING for details.
-__author__ = """
-rpazdera(a) (Radek Pazdera)
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import logging
-import copy
-from lxml import etree
-from lnst.Common.Config import lnst_config
-from lnst.Common.XmlTemplates import XmlTemplates, XmlTemplateError
-from lnst.Common.XmlProcessing import XmlProcessingError, XmlData
-class XmlParser(object):
- XINCLUDE_RE = r"\{http\:\/\/www\.w3\.org\/[0-9]{4}\/XInclude\}include"
- def __init__(self, schema_file, xml_path):
- # locate the schema file
- # try git path
- dirname = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
- schema_path = os.path.join(dirname, schema_file)
- if not os.path.exists(schema_path):
- # try configuration
- res_dir = lnst_config.get_option("environment", "resource_dir")
- schema_path = os.path.join(res_dir, schema_file)
- if not os.path.exists(schema_path):
- raise Exception("The recipe schema file was not found. " + \
- "Your LNST installation is corrupt!")
- self._template_proc = XmlTemplates()
- self._path = xml_path
- relaxng_doc = etree.parse(schema_path)
- self._schema = etree.RelaxNG(relaxng_doc)
- def parse(self):
- doc = self._parse(self._path)
- self._remove_comments(doc)
- # Due to a weird implementation of XInclude in lxml, the
- # XmlParser resolves included documents on it's own.
- #
- # To be able to tell later on where each tag was located
- # in the XML document, we add a '__file' attribute to
- # each element of the tree during the parsing.
- #
- # However, these special attributes are of course not
- # valid according to our schemas. To solve this, a copy of
- # the tree is made and the '__file' attributes are removed
- # before validation.
- #
- # XXX This is a *EXTREMELY* dirty hack. Ideas/proposals
- # for cleaner solutions are more than welcome!
- root_tag = self._init_loc(doc.getroot(), self._path)
- self._expand_xinclude(root_tag, os.path.dirname(self._path))
- self._template_proc.process_aliases(root_tag)
- try:
- self._validate(doc)
- except:
- err = self._schema.error_log[0]
- loc = {"file": os.path.basename(err.filename),
- "line": err.line, "col": err.column}
- exc = XmlProcessingError(err.message)
- exc.set_loc(loc)
- raise exc
- return self._process(root_tag)
- def _parse(self, path):
- try:
- doc = etree.parse(path)
- except etree.LxmlError as err:
- # A workaround for cases when lxml (quite strangely)
- # sets the filename to <string>.
- if err.error_log[0].filename == "<string>":
- filename = self._path
- else:
- filename = err.error_log[0].filename
- loc = {"file": os.path.basename(filename),
- "line": err.error_log[0].line,
- "col": err.error_log[0].column}
- exc = XmlProcessingError(err.error_log[0].message)
- exc.set_loc(loc)
- raise exc
- except Exception as err:
- loc = {"file": os.path.basename(self._path),
- "line": None,
- "col": None}
- exc = XmlProcessingError(str(err))
- exc.set_loc(loc)
- raise exc
- return doc
- def _process(self, root_tag):
- pass
- def set_machines(self, machines):
- self._template_proc.set_machines(machines)
- def set_aliases(self, defined, overriden):
- self._template_proc.set_aliases(defined, overriden)
- def _has_attribute(self, element, attr):
- return attr in element.attrib
- def _get_attribute(self, element, attr):
- text = element.attrib[attr].strip()
- return self._template_proc.expand_functions(text)
- def _get_content(self, element):
- text = etree.tostring(element, method="text").strip()
- return self._template_proc.expand_functions(text)
- def _expand_xinclude(self, elem, base_url=""):
- for e in elem:
- if re.match(self.XINCLUDE_RE, str(e.tag)):
- href = os.path.join(base_url, e.get("href"))
- filename = os.path.basename(href)
- doc = self._parse(href)
- self._remove_comments(doc)
- node = doc.getroot()
- node = self._init_loc(node, href)
- if e.tail:
- node.tail = (node.tail or "") + e.tail
- self._expand_xinclude(node, os.path.dirname(href))
- parent = e.getparent()
- if parent is None:
- return node
- parent.replace(e, node)
- else:
- self._expand_xinclude(e, base_url)
- return elem
- def _remove_comments(self, doc):
- comments = doc.xpath('//comment()')
- for c in comments:
- p = c.getparent()
- if p is not None:
- p.remove(c)
- def _init_loc(self, elem, filename):
- """ Remove all coment tags from the tree """
- elem.attrib["__file"] = filename
- for e in elem:
- self._init_loc(e, os.path.basename(filename))
- return elem
- def _validate(self, original):
- """
- Make a copy of the tree, remove the '__file' attributes
- and validate against the appropriate schema.
- Very unfortunate solution.
- """
- doc = copy.deepcopy(original)
- root = doc.getroot()
- self._prepare_tree_for_validation(root)
- self._schema.assertValid(doc)
- def _prepare_tree_for_validation(self, elem):
- if "__file" in elem.attrib:
- del elem.attrib["__file"]
- for e in elem:
- self._prepare_tree_for_validation(e)
diff --git a/lnst/Common/ b/lnst/Common/
deleted file mode 100644
index 771ead5..0000000
--- a/lnst/Common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-This module contains code code for XML parsing and processing.
-Copyright 2012 Red Hat, Inc.
-Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 as
-published by the Free Software Foundation; see COPYING for details.
-__author__ = """
-rpazdera(a) (Radek Pazdera)
-import os
-import logging
-class XmlProcessingError(Exception):
- """ Exception thrown on parsing errors """
- _filename = None
- _line = None
- _col = None
- def __init__(self, msg, obj=None):
- super(XmlProcessingError, self).__init__()
- self._msg = msg
- if obj is not None:
- if hasattr(obj, "loc"):
- self.set_loc(obj.loc)
- elif hasattr(obj, "attrib") and "__file" in obj.attrib:
- loc = {}
- loc["file"] = obj.attrib["__file"]
- if hasattr(obj, "sourceline"):
- loc["line"] = obj.sourceline
- self.set_loc(loc)
- elif hasattr(obj, "base") and obj.base != None:
- loc = {}
- loc["file"] = os.path.basename(obj.base)
- if hasattr(obj, "sourceline"):
- loc["line"] = obj.sourceline
- self.set_loc(loc)
- def set_loc(self, loc):
- self._filename = loc["file"]
- self._line = loc["line"]
- if "col" in loc:
- self._col = loc["col"]
- def __str__(self):
- line = ""
- col = ""
- sep = ""
- loc = ""
- filename = "<unknown>"
- if self._filename:
- filename = self._filename
- if self._line:
- line = "%d" % self._line
- sep = ":"
- if self._col:
- col = "%s%d" % (sep, self._col)
- if self._line or self._col:
- loc = "%s%s:" % (line, col)
- return "%s:%s %s" % (filename, loc, self._msg)
-class XmlDataIterator:
- def __init__(self, iterator):
- self._iterator = iterator
- def __iter__(self):
- return self
- def next(self):
- n =
- # For normal iterators
- if type(n) == XmlTemplateString:
- return str(n)
- # For iteritems() iterators
- if type(n) == tuple and len(n) == 2 and type(n[1]) == XmlTemplateString:
- return (n[0], str(n[1]))
- return n
-class XmlCollection(list):
- def __init__(self, node=None):
- super(XmlCollection, self).__init__()
- if node is not None:
- if hasattr(node, "loc"):
- self.loc = node.loc
- elif "__file" in node.attrib:
- loc = {}
- loc["file"] = node.attrib["__file"]
- if hasattr(node, "sourceline"):
- loc["line"] = node.sourceline
- self.loc = loc
- elif hasattr(node, "base") and node.base != None:
- loc = {}
- loc["file"] = os.path.basename(node.base)
- if hasattr(node, "sourceline"):
- loc["line"] = node.sourceline
- self.loc = loc
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- value = super(XmlCollection, self).__getitem__(key)
- if type(value) == XmlData or type(value) == XmlCollection:
- return value
- return str(value)
- def __iter__(self):
- it = super(XmlCollection, self).__iter__()
- return XmlDataIterator(it)
-class XmlData(dict):
- def __init__(self, node=None):
- super(XmlData, self).__init__()
- if node is not None:
- if hasattr(node, "loc"):
- self.loc = node.loc
- elif "__file" in node.attrib:
- loc = {}
- loc["file"] = node.attrib["__file"]
- if hasattr(node, "sourceline"):
- loc["line"] = node.sourceline
- self.loc = loc
- elif hasattr(node, "base") and node.base != None:
- loc = {}
- loc["file"] = os.path.basename(node.base)
- if hasattr(node, "sourceline"):
- loc["line"] = node.sourceline
- self.loc = loc
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- value = super(XmlData, self).__getitem__(key)
- if type(value) == XmlData or type(value) == XmlCollection:
- return value
- return str(value)
- def __iter__(self):
- it = super(XmlData, self).__iter__()
- return XmlDataIterator(it)
- def iteritems(self):
- it = super(XmlData, self).iteritems()
- return XmlDataIterator(it)
- def iterkeys(self):
- it = super(XmlData, self).iterkeys()
- return XmlDataIterator(it)
- def itervalues(self):
- it = super(XmlData, self).itervalues()
- return XmlDataIterator(it)
-class XmlTemplateString(object):
- def __init__(self, param=None, node=None):
- if type(param) == str:
- self._parts = [param]
- elif type(param) == list:
- self._parts = param
- else:
- self._parts = []
- if node and hasattr(node, "loc"):
- self.loc = node.loc
- def __add__(self, other):
- if type(other) is str:
- self.add_part(other)
- elif type(other) is self.__class__:
- self._parts += other._parts
- else:
- raise XmlProcessingError("Cannot concatenate %s and %s" % \
- str(type(self)), str(type(other)))
- return self
- def __str__(self):
- string = ""
- for part in self._parts:
- string += str(part)
- return string
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash(str(self))
- def __eq__(self, other):
- return str(self) == str(other)
- def __ne__(self, other):
- return str(self) != str(other)
- def __len__(self):
- return len(str(self))
- def add_part(self, part):
- self._parts.append(part)
diff --git a/lnst/Common/ b/lnst/Common/
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d7a9fd..0000000
--- a/lnst/Common/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,425 +0,0 @@
-This module contains code to aid processing templates in XML files/recipes
-while they're being parsed.
-Templates are strings enclosed in curly braces {} and can be present
-in all text elements of the XML file (this includes tag values or
-attribute values). Templates cannot be used as a stubstitution for tag
-names, attribute names or any other structural elements of the document.
-There are two supported types of templates:
- * aliases - $alias_name
- * functions - function_name(param1, param2)
-Copyright 2012 Red Hat, Inc.
-Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 as
-published by the Free Software Foundation; see COPYING for details.
-__author__ = """
-rpazdera(a) (Radek Pazdera)
-import re
-from lxml import etree
-from lnst.Common.XmlProcessing import XmlTemplateString
-class XmlTemplateError(Exception):
- pass
-class TemplateFunc(object):
- def __init__(self, args, machines):
- self._check_args(args)
- self._args = args
- self._machines = machines
- def __str__(self):
- return self._implementation()
- def _check_args(self, args):
- pass
- def _implementation(self):
- pass
-class IpFunc(TemplateFunc):
- def _check_args(self, args):
- if len(args) > 3:
- msg = "Function ip() takes at most 3 arguments, %d passed" \
- % len(args)
- raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
- if len(args) < 2:
- msg = "Function ip() must have at least 2 arguments, %d passed" \
- % len(args)
- raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
- if len(args) == 3:
- try:
- int(args[2])
- except ValueError:
- msg = "The third argument of ip() function must be an integer"
- raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
- def _implementation(self):
- m_id = self._args[0]
- if_id = self._args[1]
- addr = 0
- if len(self._args) == 3:
- addr = self._args[2]
- try:
- machine = self._machines[m_id]
- except KeyError:
- msg = "First parameter of function ip() is invalid: " \
- "Machine %s does not exist." % m_id
- raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
- try:
- iface = machine.get_interface(if_id)
- except MachineError:
- msg = "Second parameter of function ip() is invalid: "\
- "Interface %s does not exist." % if_id
- raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
- try:
- return iface.get_address(int(addr))
- except IndexError:
- msg = "There is no address with index %s on machine %s, " \
- "interface %s." % (addr, m_id, if_id)
- raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
-class DevnameFunc(TemplateFunc):
- def _check_args(self, args):
- if len(args) != 2:
- msg = "Function devname() takes 2 arguments, %d passed." % len(args)
- raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
- def _implementation(self):
- m_id = self._args[0]
- if_id = self._args[1]
- try:
- machine = self._machines[m_id]
- except KeyError:
- msg = "First parameter of function devname() is invalid: " \
- "Machine %s does not exist." % m_id
- raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
- try:
- iface = machine.get_interface(if_id)
- except MachineError:
- msg = "Second parameter of function devname() is invalid: "\
- "Interface %s does not exist." % if_id
- raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
- try:
- return iface.get_devname()
- except MachineError:
- msg = "Devname not availablefor interface '%s' on machine '%s'." \
- % (m_id, if_id)
- raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
-class PrefixFunc(TemplateFunc):
- def _check_args(self, args):
- if len(args) > 3:
- msg = "Function prefix() takes at most 3 arguments, %d passed" \
- % len(args)
- raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
- if len(args) < 2:
- msg = "Function prefix() must have at least 2 arguments, %d " \
- "passed" % len(args)
- raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
- if len(args) == 3:
- try:
- int(args[2])
- except ValueError:
- msg = "The third argument of prefix() function must be an " \
- "integer"
- raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
- def _implementation(self):
- m_id = self._args[0]
- if_id = self._args[1]
- addr = 0
- if len(self._args) == 3:
- addr = self._args[2]
- try:
- machine = self._machines[m_id]
- except KeyError:
- msg = "First parameter of function prefix() is invalid: " \
- "Machine %s does not exist." % m_id
- raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
- try:
- iface = machine.get_interface(if_id)
- except MachineError:
- msg = "Second parameter of function prefix() is invalid: "\
- "Interface %s does not exist." % if_id
- raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
- try:
- return iface.get_prefix(int(addr))
- except IndexError:
- msg = "There is no address with index %s on machine %s, " \
- "interface %s." % (addr, m_id, if_id)
- raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
- except PrefixMissingError:
- msg = "Address with the index %s for the interface %s on machine" \
- "%s does not contain any prefix" % (addr, m_id, if_id)
-class HwaddrFunc(TemplateFunc):
- def _check_args(self, args):
- if len(args) != 2:
- msg = "Function hwaddr() takes 2 arguments, %d passed." % len(args)
- raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
- def _implementation(self):
- m_id = self._args[0]
- if_id = self._args[1]
- try:
- machine = self._machines[m_id]
- except KeyError:
- msg = "First parameter of function hwaddr() is invalid: " \
- "Machine %s does not exist." % m_id
- raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
- try:
- iface = machine.get_interface(if_id)
- except MachineError:
- msg = "Second parameter of function hwaddr() is invalid: "\
- "Interface %s does not exist." % if_id
- raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
- try:
- return iface.get_hwaddr()
- except MachineError:
- msg = "Hwaddr not availablefor interface '%s' on machine '%s'." \
- % (m_id, if_id)
- raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
-class XmlTemplates:
- """ This class serves as template processor """
- _alias_re = "\{\$([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\}"
- _func_re = "\{([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\(([^\(\)]*)\)\}"
- _func_map = {"ip": IpFunc, "hwaddr": HwaddrFunc, "devname": DevnameFunc, \
- "prefix": PrefixFunc }
- def __init__(self, definitions=None):
- if definitions:
- self._definitions = [definitions]
- else:
- self._definitions = [{}]
- self._machines = {}
- self._reserved_aliases = []
- def set_definitions(self, defs):
- """ Set alias definitions
- All existing definitions and namespace levels are
- destroyed and replaced with new definitions.
- """
- del self._definitions
- self._definitions = [defs]
- def get_definitions(self):
- """ Return definitions dict
- Definitions are returned as a single dictionary of
- all currently defined aliases, regardless the internal
- division to namespace levels.
- """
- defs = {}
- for level in self._definitions:
- for name, val in level.iteritems():
- defs[name] = val
- return defs
- def set_machines(self, machines):
- """ Assign machine information
- XmlTemplates use these information about the machines
- to resolve template functions within the recipe.
- """
- self._machines = machines
- def set_aliases(self, defined, overriden):
- """ Set aliases defined or overriden from CLI """
- for name, value in defined.iteritems():
- self.define_alias(name, value)
- self._overriden_aliases = overriden
- def define_alias(self, name, value, skip_reserved_check=False):
- """ Associate an alias name with some value
- The value can be of an atomic type or an array. The
- definition is added to the current namespace level.
- """
- if not name in self._reserved_aliases \
- or skip_reserved_check == True:
- self._definitions[-1][name] = value
- else:
- raise XmlTemplateError("Alias name '%s' is reserved" % name)
- def add_namespace_level(self):
- """ Create new namespace level
- This method will create a new level for definitions on
- the stack. All aliases, that will be defined after this
- call will be dropped as soon as `drop_namespace_level'
- is called.
- """
- self._definitions.append({})
- def drop_namespace_level(self):
- """ Remove one namespace level
- This method will erease all defined aliases since the
- last call of `add_namespace_level' method. All aliases,
- that were defined beforehand will be kept.
- """
- self._definitions.pop()
- def _find_definition(self, name):
- if name in self._overriden_aliases:
- return self._overriden_aliases[name]
- for level in reversed(self._definitions):
- if name in level:
- return level[name]
- err = "Alias '%s' is not defined here" % name
- raise XmlTemplateError(err)
- def process_aliases(self, element):
- """ Expand aliases within an element and its children
- This method will iterate through the element tree that is
- passed and expand aliases in all the text content and
- attributes.
- """
- if element.text != None:
- element.text = self.expand_aliases(element.text)
- if element.tail != None:
- element.tail = self.expand_aliases(element.tail)
- for name, value in element.attrib.iteritems():
- element.set(name, self.expand_aliases(value))
- if element.tag == "define":
- for alias in element.getchildren():
- name = alias.attrib["name"].strip()
- if "value" in alias.attrib:
- value = alias.attrib["value"].strip()
- else:
- value = etree.tostring(element, method="text").strip()
- self.define_alias(name, value)
- parent = element.getparent()
- parent.remove(element)
- return
- self.add_namespace_level()
- for child in element.getchildren():
- self.process_aliases(child)
- self.drop_namespace_level()
- def expand_aliases(self, string):
- while True:
- alias_match =, string)
- if alias_match:
- template =
- result = self._process_alias_template(template)
- string = string.replace(template, result)
- else:
- break
- return string
- def _process_alias_template(self, string):
- result = None
- alias_match = re.match(self._alias_re, string)
- if alias_match:
- alias_name =
- result = self._find_definition(alias_name)
- return result
- def expand_functions(self, string, node=None):
- """ Process a string and expand it into a XmlTemplateString """
- parts = self._partition_string(string)
- value = XmlTemplateString(node=node)
- for part in parts:
- value.add_part(part)
- return value
- def _partition_string(self, string):
- """ Process templates in a string
- This method will process and expand all template functions
- in a string.
- The function returns an array of string partitions and
- unresolved template functions for further processing.
- """
- result = None
- func_match =, string)
- if func_match:
- prefix = string[0:func_match.start(0)]
- suffix = string[func_match.end(0):]
- template =
- func = self._process_func_template(template)
- return self._partition_string(prefix) + [func] + \
- self._partition_string(suffix)
- return [string]
- def _process_func_template(self, string):
- func_match = re.match(self._func_re, string)
- if func_match:
- func_name =
- func_args =
- if func_args == None:
- func_args = []
- else:
- func_args = func_args.split(",")
- param_values = []
- for param in func_args:
- param = param.strip()
- if re.match(self._alias_re, param):
- param = self._process_alias_template(param)
- param_values.append(param)
- if func_name not in self._func_map:
- msg = "Unknown template function '%s'." % func_name
- raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
- func = self._func_map[func_name](param_values, self._machines)
- return func
- else:
- msg = "The passed string is not a template function."
- raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
diff --git a/lnst/Controller/ b/lnst/Controller/
index 7833e7f..2e178e8 100644
--- a/lnst/Controller/
+++ b/lnst/Controller/
@@ -19,9 +19,10 @@ from lnst.Common.Config import lnst_config
from lnst.Common.NetUtils import normalize_hwaddr
from lnst.Common.Utils import bool_it
from lnst.Common.RecipePath import RecipePath
-from lnst.Common.XmlParser import XmlParser
-from lnst.Common.XmlProcessing import XmlProcessingError, XmlData, XmlCollection
-from lnst.Common.XmlTemplates import XmlTemplates, XmlTemplateError
+from lnst.Controller.XmlParser import XmlParser
+from lnst.Controller.XmlProcessing import XmlProcessingError, XmlData
+from lnst.Controller.XmlProcessing import XmlCollection
+from lnst.Controller.XmlTemplates import XmlTemplates, XmlTemplateError
class RecipeError(XmlProcessingError):
diff --git a/lnst/Controller/ b/lnst/Controller/
index 686d570..1ec7ef7 100644
--- a/lnst/Controller/
+++ b/lnst/Controller/
@@ -15,8 +15,9 @@ import logging
import os
import re
from lxml import etree
-from lnst.Common.XmlParser import XmlParser
-from lnst.Common.XmlProcessing import XmlProcessingError, XmlData, XmlCollection
+from lnst.Controller.XmlParser import XmlParser
+from lnst.Controller.XmlProcessing import XmlProcessingError, XmlData
+from lnst.Controller.XmlProcessing import XmlCollection
class SlaveMachineError(XmlProcessingError):
diff --git a/lnst/Controller/ b/lnst/Controller/
index 4162e16..e7d4557 100644
--- a/lnst/Controller/
+++ b/lnst/Controller/
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ from xml.dom import minidom
from lnst.Common.Config import lnst_config
from lnst.Common.NetUtils import normalize_hwaddr
from lnst.Common.NetUtils import test_tcp_connection
-from lnst.Common.XmlProcessing import XmlProcessingError, XmlData
+from lnst.Controller.XmlProcessing import XmlProcessingError, XmlData
from lnst.Controller.Machine import Machine
from lnst.Controller.SlaveMachineParser import SlaveMachineParser
from lnst.Controller.SlaveMachineParser import SlaveMachineError
diff --git a/lnst/Controller/ b/lnst/Controller/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32bbf2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lnst/Controller/
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+This module contains the XmlParser and LnstParser classes.
+Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc.
+Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 as
+published by the Free Software Foundation; see COPYING for details.
+__author__ = """
+rpazdera(a) (Radek Pazdera)
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import logging
+import copy
+from lxml import etree
+from lnst.Common.Config import lnst_config
+from lnst.Controller.XmlTemplates import XmlTemplates, XmlTemplateError
+from lnst.Controller.XmlProcessing import XmlProcessingError, XmlData
+class XmlParser(object):
+ XINCLUDE_RE = r"\{http\:\/\/www\.w3\.org\/[0-9]{4}\/XInclude\}include"
+ def __init__(self, schema_file, xml_path):
+ # locate the schema file
+ # try git path
+ dirname = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])
+ schema_path = os.path.join(dirname, schema_file)
+ if not os.path.exists(schema_path):
+ # try configuration
+ res_dir = lnst_config.get_option("environment", "resource_dir")
+ schema_path = os.path.join(res_dir, schema_file)
+ if not os.path.exists(schema_path):
+ raise Exception("The recipe schema file was not found. " + \
+ "Your LNST installation is corrupt!")
+ self._template_proc = XmlTemplates()
+ self._path = xml_path
+ relaxng_doc = etree.parse(schema_path)
+ self._schema = etree.RelaxNG(relaxng_doc)
+ def parse(self):
+ doc = self._parse(self._path)
+ self._remove_comments(doc)
+ # Due to a weird implementation of XInclude in lxml, the
+ # XmlParser resolves included documents on it's own.
+ #
+ # To be able to tell later on where each tag was located
+ # in the XML document, we add a '__file' attribute to
+ # each element of the tree during the parsing.
+ #
+ # However, these special attributes are of course not
+ # valid according to our schemas. To solve this, a copy of
+ # the tree is made and the '__file' attributes are removed
+ # before validation.
+ #
+ # XXX This is a *EXTREMELY* dirty hack. Ideas/proposals
+ # for cleaner solutions are more than welcome!
+ root_tag = self._init_loc(doc.getroot(), self._path)
+ self._expand_xinclude(root_tag, os.path.dirname(self._path))
+ self._template_proc.process_aliases(root_tag)
+ try:
+ self._validate(doc)
+ except:
+ err = self._schema.error_log[0]
+ loc = {"file": os.path.basename(err.filename),
+ "line": err.line, "col": err.column}
+ exc = XmlProcessingError(err.message)
+ exc.set_loc(loc)
+ raise exc
+ return self._process(root_tag)
+ def _parse(self, path):
+ try:
+ doc = etree.parse(path)
+ except etree.LxmlError as err:
+ # A workaround for cases when lxml (quite strangely)
+ # sets the filename to <string>.
+ if err.error_log[0].filename == "<string>":
+ filename = self._path
+ else:
+ filename = err.error_log[0].filename
+ loc = {"file": os.path.basename(filename),
+ "line": err.error_log[0].line,
+ "col": err.error_log[0].column}
+ exc = XmlProcessingError(err.error_log[0].message)
+ exc.set_loc(loc)
+ raise exc
+ except Exception as err:
+ loc = {"file": os.path.basename(self._path),
+ "line": None,
+ "col": None}
+ exc = XmlProcessingError(str(err))
+ exc.set_loc(loc)
+ raise exc
+ return doc
+ def _process(self, root_tag):
+ pass
+ def set_machines(self, machines):
+ self._template_proc.set_machines(machines)
+ def set_aliases(self, defined, overriden):
+ self._template_proc.set_aliases(defined, overriden)
+ def _has_attribute(self, element, attr):
+ return attr in element.attrib
+ def _get_attribute(self, element, attr):
+ text = element.attrib[attr].strip()
+ return self._template_proc.expand_functions(text)
+ def _get_content(self, element):
+ text = etree.tostring(element, method="text").strip()
+ return self._template_proc.expand_functions(text)
+ def _expand_xinclude(self, elem, base_url=""):
+ for e in elem:
+ if re.match(self.XINCLUDE_RE, str(e.tag)):
+ href = os.path.join(base_url, e.get("href"))
+ filename = os.path.basename(href)
+ doc = self._parse(href)
+ self._remove_comments(doc)
+ node = doc.getroot()
+ node = self._init_loc(node, href)
+ if e.tail:
+ node.tail = (node.tail or "") + e.tail
+ self._expand_xinclude(node, os.path.dirname(href))
+ parent = e.getparent()
+ if parent is None:
+ return node
+ parent.replace(e, node)
+ else:
+ self._expand_xinclude(e, base_url)
+ return elem
+ def _remove_comments(self, doc):
+ comments = doc.xpath('//comment()')
+ for c in comments:
+ p = c.getparent()
+ if p is not None:
+ p.remove(c)
+ def _init_loc(self, elem, filename):
+ """ Remove all coment tags from the tree """
+ elem.attrib["__file"] = filename
+ for e in elem:
+ self._init_loc(e, os.path.basename(filename))
+ return elem
+ def _validate(self, original):
+ """
+ Make a copy of the tree, remove the '__file' attributes
+ and validate against the appropriate schema.
+ Very unfortunate solution.
+ """
+ doc = copy.deepcopy(original)
+ root = doc.getroot()
+ self._prepare_tree_for_validation(root)
+ self._schema.assertValid(doc)
+ def _prepare_tree_for_validation(self, elem):
+ if "__file" in elem.attrib:
+ del elem.attrib["__file"]
+ for e in elem:
+ self._prepare_tree_for_validation(e)
diff --git a/lnst/Controller/ b/lnst/Controller/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..771ead5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lnst/Controller/
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+This module contains code code for XML parsing and processing.
+Copyright 2012 Red Hat, Inc.
+Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 as
+published by the Free Software Foundation; see COPYING for details.
+__author__ = """
+rpazdera(a) (Radek Pazdera)
+import os
+import logging
+class XmlProcessingError(Exception):
+ """ Exception thrown on parsing errors """
+ _filename = None
+ _line = None
+ _col = None
+ def __init__(self, msg, obj=None):
+ super(XmlProcessingError, self).__init__()
+ self._msg = msg
+ if obj is not None:
+ if hasattr(obj, "loc"):
+ self.set_loc(obj.loc)
+ elif hasattr(obj, "attrib") and "__file" in obj.attrib:
+ loc = {}
+ loc["file"] = obj.attrib["__file"]
+ if hasattr(obj, "sourceline"):
+ loc["line"] = obj.sourceline
+ self.set_loc(loc)
+ elif hasattr(obj, "base") and obj.base != None:
+ loc = {}
+ loc["file"] = os.path.basename(obj.base)
+ if hasattr(obj, "sourceline"):
+ loc["line"] = obj.sourceline
+ self.set_loc(loc)
+ def set_loc(self, loc):
+ self._filename = loc["file"]
+ self._line = loc["line"]
+ if "col" in loc:
+ self._col = loc["col"]
+ def __str__(self):
+ line = ""
+ col = ""
+ sep = ""
+ loc = ""
+ filename = "<unknown>"
+ if self._filename:
+ filename = self._filename
+ if self._line:
+ line = "%d" % self._line
+ sep = ":"
+ if self._col:
+ col = "%s%d" % (sep, self._col)
+ if self._line or self._col:
+ loc = "%s%s:" % (line, col)
+ return "%s:%s %s" % (filename, loc, self._msg)
+class XmlDataIterator:
+ def __init__(self, iterator):
+ self._iterator = iterator
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self
+ def next(self):
+ n =
+ # For normal iterators
+ if type(n) == XmlTemplateString:
+ return str(n)
+ # For iteritems() iterators
+ if type(n) == tuple and len(n) == 2 and type(n[1]) == XmlTemplateString:
+ return (n[0], str(n[1]))
+ return n
+class XmlCollection(list):
+ def __init__(self, node=None):
+ super(XmlCollection, self).__init__()
+ if node is not None:
+ if hasattr(node, "loc"):
+ self.loc = node.loc
+ elif "__file" in node.attrib:
+ loc = {}
+ loc["file"] = node.attrib["__file"]
+ if hasattr(node, "sourceline"):
+ loc["line"] = node.sourceline
+ self.loc = loc
+ elif hasattr(node, "base") and node.base != None:
+ loc = {}
+ loc["file"] = os.path.basename(node.base)
+ if hasattr(node, "sourceline"):
+ loc["line"] = node.sourceline
+ self.loc = loc
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ value = super(XmlCollection, self).__getitem__(key)
+ if type(value) == XmlData or type(value) == XmlCollection:
+ return value
+ return str(value)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ it = super(XmlCollection, self).__iter__()
+ return XmlDataIterator(it)
+class XmlData(dict):
+ def __init__(self, node=None):
+ super(XmlData, self).__init__()
+ if node is not None:
+ if hasattr(node, "loc"):
+ self.loc = node.loc
+ elif "__file" in node.attrib:
+ loc = {}
+ loc["file"] = node.attrib["__file"]
+ if hasattr(node, "sourceline"):
+ loc["line"] = node.sourceline
+ self.loc = loc
+ elif hasattr(node, "base") and node.base != None:
+ loc = {}
+ loc["file"] = os.path.basename(node.base)
+ if hasattr(node, "sourceline"):
+ loc["line"] = node.sourceline
+ self.loc = loc
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ value = super(XmlData, self).__getitem__(key)
+ if type(value) == XmlData or type(value) == XmlCollection:
+ return value
+ return str(value)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ it = super(XmlData, self).__iter__()
+ return XmlDataIterator(it)
+ def iteritems(self):
+ it = super(XmlData, self).iteritems()
+ return XmlDataIterator(it)
+ def iterkeys(self):
+ it = super(XmlData, self).iterkeys()
+ return XmlDataIterator(it)
+ def itervalues(self):
+ it = super(XmlData, self).itervalues()
+ return XmlDataIterator(it)
+class XmlTemplateString(object):
+ def __init__(self, param=None, node=None):
+ if type(param) == str:
+ self._parts = [param]
+ elif type(param) == list:
+ self._parts = param
+ else:
+ self._parts = []
+ if node and hasattr(node, "loc"):
+ self.loc = node.loc
+ def __add__(self, other):
+ if type(other) is str:
+ self.add_part(other)
+ elif type(other) is self.__class__:
+ self._parts += other._parts
+ else:
+ raise XmlProcessingError("Cannot concatenate %s and %s" % \
+ str(type(self)), str(type(other)))
+ return self
+ def __str__(self):
+ string = ""
+ for part in self._parts:
+ string += str(part)
+ return string
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(str(self))
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return str(self) == str(other)
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return str(self) != str(other)
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(str(self))
+ def add_part(self, part):
+ self._parts.append(part)
diff --git a/lnst/Controller/ b/lnst/Controller/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b73b30d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lnst/Controller/
@@ -0,0 +1,425 @@
+This module contains code to aid processing templates in XML files/recipes
+while they're being parsed.
+Templates are strings enclosed in curly braces {} and can be present
+in all text elements of the XML file (this includes tag values or
+attribute values). Templates cannot be used as a stubstitution for tag
+names, attribute names or any other structural elements of the document.
+There are two supported types of templates:
+ * aliases - $alias_name
+ * functions - function_name(param1, param2)
+Copyright 2012 Red Hat, Inc.
+Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 as
+published by the Free Software Foundation; see COPYING for details.
+__author__ = """
+rpazdera(a) (Radek Pazdera)
+import re
+from lxml import etree
+from lnst.Controller.XmlProcessing import XmlTemplateString
+class XmlTemplateError(Exception):
+ pass
+class TemplateFunc(object):
+ def __init__(self, args, machines):
+ self._check_args(args)
+ self._args = args
+ self._machines = machines
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self._implementation()
+ def _check_args(self, args):
+ pass
+ def _implementation(self):
+ pass
+class IpFunc(TemplateFunc):
+ def _check_args(self, args):
+ if len(args) > 3:
+ msg = "Function ip() takes at most 3 arguments, %d passed" \
+ % len(args)
+ raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
+ if len(args) < 2:
+ msg = "Function ip() must have at least 2 arguments, %d passed" \
+ % len(args)
+ raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
+ if len(args) == 3:
+ try:
+ int(args[2])
+ except ValueError:
+ msg = "The third argument of ip() function must be an integer"
+ raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
+ def _implementation(self):
+ m_id = self._args[0]
+ if_id = self._args[1]
+ addr = 0
+ if len(self._args) == 3:
+ addr = self._args[2]
+ try:
+ machine = self._machines[m_id]
+ except KeyError:
+ msg = "First parameter of function ip() is invalid: " \
+ "Machine %s does not exist." % m_id
+ raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
+ try:
+ iface = machine.get_interface(if_id)
+ except MachineError:
+ msg = "Second parameter of function ip() is invalid: "\
+ "Interface %s does not exist." % if_id
+ raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
+ try:
+ return iface.get_address(int(addr))
+ except IndexError:
+ msg = "There is no address with index %s on machine %s, " \
+ "interface %s." % (addr, m_id, if_id)
+ raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
+class DevnameFunc(TemplateFunc):
+ def _check_args(self, args):
+ if len(args) != 2:
+ msg = "Function devname() takes 2 arguments, %d passed." % len(args)
+ raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
+ def _implementation(self):
+ m_id = self._args[0]
+ if_id = self._args[1]
+ try:
+ machine = self._machines[m_id]
+ except KeyError:
+ msg = "First parameter of function devname() is invalid: " \
+ "Machine %s does not exist." % m_id
+ raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
+ try:
+ iface = machine.get_interface(if_id)
+ except MachineError:
+ msg = "Second parameter of function devname() is invalid: "\
+ "Interface %s does not exist." % if_id
+ raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
+ try:
+ return iface.get_devname()
+ except MachineError:
+ msg = "Devname not availablefor interface '%s' on machine '%s'." \
+ % (m_id, if_id)
+ raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
+class PrefixFunc(TemplateFunc):
+ def _check_args(self, args):
+ if len(args) > 3:
+ msg = "Function prefix() takes at most 3 arguments, %d passed" \
+ % len(args)
+ raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
+ if len(args) < 2:
+ msg = "Function prefix() must have at least 2 arguments, %d " \
+ "passed" % len(args)
+ raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
+ if len(args) == 3:
+ try:
+ int(args[2])
+ except ValueError:
+ msg = "The third argument of prefix() function must be an " \
+ "integer"
+ raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
+ def _implementation(self):
+ m_id = self._args[0]
+ if_id = self._args[1]
+ addr = 0
+ if len(self._args) == 3:
+ addr = self._args[2]
+ try:
+ machine = self._machines[m_id]
+ except KeyError:
+ msg = "First parameter of function prefix() is invalid: " \
+ "Machine %s does not exist." % m_id
+ raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
+ try:
+ iface = machine.get_interface(if_id)
+ except MachineError:
+ msg = "Second parameter of function prefix() is invalid: "\
+ "Interface %s does not exist." % if_id
+ raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
+ try:
+ return iface.get_prefix(int(addr))
+ except IndexError:
+ msg = "There is no address with index %s on machine %s, " \
+ "interface %s." % (addr, m_id, if_id)
+ raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
+ except PrefixMissingError:
+ msg = "Address with the index %s for the interface %s on machine" \
+ "%s does not contain any prefix" % (addr, m_id, if_id)
+class HwaddrFunc(TemplateFunc):
+ def _check_args(self, args):
+ if len(args) != 2:
+ msg = "Function hwaddr() takes 2 arguments, %d passed." % len(args)
+ raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
+ def _implementation(self):
+ m_id = self._args[0]
+ if_id = self._args[1]
+ try:
+ machine = self._machines[m_id]
+ except KeyError:
+ msg = "First parameter of function hwaddr() is invalid: " \
+ "Machine %s does not exist." % m_id
+ raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
+ try:
+ iface = machine.get_interface(if_id)
+ except MachineError:
+ msg = "Second parameter of function hwaddr() is invalid: "\
+ "Interface %s does not exist." % if_id
+ raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
+ try:
+ return iface.get_hwaddr()
+ except MachineError:
+ msg = "Hwaddr not availablefor interface '%s' on machine '%s'." \
+ % (m_id, if_id)
+ raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
+class XmlTemplates:
+ """ This class serves as template processor """
+ _alias_re = "\{\$([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\}"
+ _func_re = "\{([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\(([^\(\)]*)\)\}"
+ _func_map = {"ip": IpFunc, "hwaddr": HwaddrFunc, "devname": DevnameFunc, \
+ "prefix": PrefixFunc }
+ def __init__(self, definitions=None):
+ if definitions:
+ self._definitions = [definitions]
+ else:
+ self._definitions = [{}]
+ self._machines = {}
+ self._reserved_aliases = []
+ def set_definitions(self, defs):
+ """ Set alias definitions
+ All existing definitions and namespace levels are
+ destroyed and replaced with new definitions.
+ """
+ del self._definitions
+ self._definitions = [defs]
+ def get_definitions(self):
+ """ Return definitions dict
+ Definitions are returned as a single dictionary of
+ all currently defined aliases, regardless the internal
+ division to namespace levels.
+ """
+ defs = {}
+ for level in self._definitions:
+ for name, val in level.iteritems():
+ defs[name] = val
+ return defs
+ def set_machines(self, machines):
+ """ Assign machine information
+ XmlTemplates use these information about the machines
+ to resolve template functions within the recipe.
+ """
+ self._machines = machines
+ def set_aliases(self, defined, overriden):
+ """ Set aliases defined or overriden from CLI """
+ for name, value in defined.iteritems():
+ self.define_alias(name, value)
+ self._overriden_aliases = overriden
+ def define_alias(self, name, value, skip_reserved_check=False):
+ """ Associate an alias name with some value
+ The value can be of an atomic type or an array. The
+ definition is added to the current namespace level.
+ """
+ if not name in self._reserved_aliases \
+ or skip_reserved_check == True:
+ self._definitions[-1][name] = value
+ else:
+ raise XmlTemplateError("Alias name '%s' is reserved" % name)
+ def add_namespace_level(self):
+ """ Create new namespace level
+ This method will create a new level for definitions on
+ the stack. All aliases, that will be defined after this
+ call will be dropped as soon as `drop_namespace_level'
+ is called.
+ """
+ self._definitions.append({})
+ def drop_namespace_level(self):
+ """ Remove one namespace level
+ This method will erease all defined aliases since the
+ last call of `add_namespace_level' method. All aliases,
+ that were defined beforehand will be kept.
+ """
+ self._definitions.pop()
+ def _find_definition(self, name):
+ if name in self._overriden_aliases:
+ return self._overriden_aliases[name]
+ for level in reversed(self._definitions):
+ if name in level:
+ return level[name]
+ err = "Alias '%s' is not defined here" % name
+ raise XmlTemplateError(err)
+ def process_aliases(self, element):
+ """ Expand aliases within an element and its children
+ This method will iterate through the element tree that is
+ passed and expand aliases in all the text content and
+ attributes.
+ """
+ if element.text != None:
+ element.text = self.expand_aliases(element.text)
+ if element.tail != None:
+ element.tail = self.expand_aliases(element.tail)
+ for name, value in element.attrib.iteritems():
+ element.set(name, self.expand_aliases(value))
+ if element.tag == "define":
+ for alias in element.getchildren():
+ name = alias.attrib["name"].strip()
+ if "value" in alias.attrib:
+ value = alias.attrib["value"].strip()
+ else:
+ value = etree.tostring(element, method="text").strip()
+ self.define_alias(name, value)
+ parent = element.getparent()
+ parent.remove(element)
+ return
+ self.add_namespace_level()
+ for child in element.getchildren():
+ self.process_aliases(child)
+ self.drop_namespace_level()
+ def expand_aliases(self, string):
+ while True:
+ alias_match =, string)
+ if alias_match:
+ template =
+ result = self._process_alias_template(template)
+ string = string.replace(template, result)
+ else:
+ break
+ return string
+ def _process_alias_template(self, string):
+ result = None
+ alias_match = re.match(self._alias_re, string)
+ if alias_match:
+ alias_name =
+ result = self._find_definition(alias_name)
+ return result
+ def expand_functions(self, string, node=None):
+ """ Process a string and expand it into a XmlTemplateString """
+ parts = self._partition_string(string)
+ value = XmlTemplateString(node=node)
+ for part in parts:
+ value.add_part(part)
+ return value
+ def _partition_string(self, string):
+ """ Process templates in a string
+ This method will process and expand all template functions
+ in a string.
+ The function returns an array of string partitions and
+ unresolved template functions for further processing.
+ """
+ result = None
+ func_match =, string)
+ if func_match:
+ prefix = string[0:func_match.start(0)]
+ suffix = string[func_match.end(0):]
+ template =
+ func = self._process_func_template(template)
+ return self._partition_string(prefix) + [func] + \
+ self._partition_string(suffix)
+ return [string]
+ def _process_func_template(self, string):
+ func_match = re.match(self._func_re, string)
+ if func_match:
+ func_name =
+ func_args =
+ if func_args == None:
+ func_args = []
+ else:
+ func_args = func_args.split(",")
+ param_values = []
+ for param in func_args:
+ param = param.strip()
+ if re.match(self._alias_re, param):
+ param = self._process_alias_template(param)
+ param_values.append(param)
+ if func_name not in self._func_map:
+ msg = "Unknown template function '%s'." % func_name
+ raise XmlTemplateError(msg)
+ func = self._func_map[func_name](param_values, self._machines)
+ return func
+ else:
+ msg = "The passed string is not a template function."
+ raise XmlTemplateError(msg)