This commit adds Netperf module to new lnst version. This is recreated
Netperf module. There is used new design which splits one old Netperf class,
that contains implementation for client and server in one class, into two
classes Netserver and Netperf.
This patch also includes expansion of example recipes/examples/
It now contains also example Netperf module usage.
v2 changes:
* refactorization of logical structures and parameters
Signed-off-by: Kamil Jerabek <kjerabek(a)>
lnst/Tests/ | 567 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
recipes/examples/ | 15 +
2 files changed, 582 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 lnst/Tests/
diff --git a/lnst/Tests/ b/lnst/Tests/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aca34e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lnst/Tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,567 @@
+import logging
+import errno
+import re
+from lnst.Common.Parameters import IntParam, IpParam, StrParam, Param
+from lnst.Common.TestModule import BaseTestModule, TestModuleError
+from lnst.Common.ShellProcess import ShellProcess
+from lnst.Common.ExecCmd import exec_cmd
+from lnst.Common.Utils import is_installed
+class Netserver(BaseTestModule):
+ bind = IpParam(mandatory=True)
+ port = IntParam()
+ opts = StrParam()
+ def run(self):
+ if not is_installed("netserver"):
+ res_data = {}
+ res_data["msg"] = "Netserver is not installed on this machine!"
+ logging.error(res_data["msg"])
+ self._res_data = res_data
+ return False
+ cmd = "netserver -D{bind}{port} {opts}".format(
+ bind = " -L " + str(self.params.bind),
+ port = " -p " + str(self.params.port) if "port" in self.params
+ else "",
+ opts = self.params.opts if "opts" in self.params else "")
+ logging.debug("compiled command: %s" % cmd)
+ logging.debug("running as server...")
+ server = ShellProcess(cmd)
+ try:
+ server.wait()
+ except OSError as e:
+ if e.errno == errno.EINTR:
+ server.kill()
+ return True
+class Netperf(BaseTestModule):
+ _nonomni_tests = ["SCTP_STREAM", "SCTP_STREAM_MANY", "SCTP_RR"]
+ _omni_tests = ["TCP_STREAM", "TCP_RR", "UDP_STREAM", "UDP_RR"]
+ _supported_tests = _nonomni_tests + _omni_tests
+ netperf_server = IpParam(mandatory=True)
+ testname = StrParam(mandatory=True)
+ duration = IntParam(mandatory=True)
+ bind = IpParam()
+ port = IntParam()
+ testoptions = StrParam()
+ confidence = StrParam()
+ cpu_util = StrParam()
+ num_parallel = IntParam(default=1)
+ runs = IntParam(default=1)
+ debug = IntParam(default=0)
+ opts = StrParam()
+ max_deviation = Param()
+ threshold = Param()
+ threshold_deviation = Param()
+ threshold_interval = Param()
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ super(Netperf, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+ if self.params.testname not in self._supported_tests:
+ msg = ("Only TCP_STREAM, TCP_RR, UDP_STREAM, "
+ "are now officialy supported by LNST. You "
+ "can use other tests, but test result may not be correct.")
+ logging.error(msg)
+ raise TestModuleError(msg)
+ if "confidence" in self.params:
+ tmp = self.params.confidence.split(",")
+ if tmp[0] not in ["99", "95"]:
+ raise TestModuleError("Confidence level must be 95 or 99.")
+ try:
+ int(tmp[1])
+ except ValueError:
+ raise TestModuleError("Confidence interval must be an integer.")
+ if "cpu_util" in self.params:
+ if self.params.cpu_util not in ["both", "local", "remote"]:
+ raise TestModuleError("cpu_util can be 'both', 'local' or 'remote'")
+ if "threshold_deviation" in self.params:
+ self._check_threshold_param(self.params.threshold_deviation,
+ "threshold_deviation")
+ else:
+ self.params.threshold_deviation = {"rate" : 0.0,
+ "unit" : "bps"}
+ if "threshold" in self.params:
+ self._check_threshold_param(self.params.threshold,
+ "threshold")
+ rate = self.params.threshold["rate"]
+ deviation = self.params.threshold_deviation["rate"]
+ self.params.threshold_interval = (rate - deviation,
+ rate + deviation)
+ if "max_deviation" in self.params:
+ if not isinstance(self.params.max_deviation, dict):
+ raise TestModuleError("max_deviation is expected to be dictionary")
+ if 'type' not in self.params.max_deviation:
+ raise TestModuleError("max_deviation 'type' has to be specified ('percent' or 'absolute')")
+ if self.params.max_deviation['type'] not in ['percent','absolute']:
+ raise TestModuleError("max_deviation 'type' can be 'percent' or 'absolute'")
+ if self.params.max_deviation['type'] is 'percent':
+ if 'value' not in self.params.max_deviation:
+ raise TestModuleError("max_deviation 'value' has to be specified")
+ self.params.max_deviation['value'] = float(self.params.max_deviation['value'])
+ if self.params.max_deviation['type'] is 'absolute':
+ if not isinstance(self.params.max_deviation, dict):
+ raise TestModuleError("max_deviation 'value' is expected to be dictionary for 'absolute' type")
+ val = self._parse_threshold(self.params.max_deviation['value'],
+ "max_deviation 'value'")
+ def _check_threshold_param(self, threshold, name):
+ if not isinstance(threshold, dict):
+ raise TestModuleError("%s is expected to be dictionary", name)
+ if 'rate' not in threshold:
+ raise TestModuleError("%s expects 'rate' key in dictionary", name)
+ threshold['rate'] = float(threshold['rate'])
+ if 'unit' not in threshold:
+ raise TestModuleError("%s expects 'unit' key in dictionary", name)
+ if self.params.testname in ["TCP_STREAM", "UDP_STREAM",
+ if threshold['unit'] is not 'bps':
+ raise TestModuleError("unit can be 'bps' for STREAMs")
+ else:
+ if threshold['unit'] is not ['tps']:
+ raise TestModuleError("unit can be 'tps' for RRs")
+ def _is_omni(self):
+ return self.params.testname in self._omni_tests
+ def _compose_cmd(self):
+ """
+ composes commands for netperf and netserver based on xml recipe
+ """
+ cmd = "netperf -H %s -f k" % self.params.netperf_server
+ if self._is_omni():
+ # -P 0 disables banner header of output
+ cmd += " -P 0"
+ if "bind" in self.params:
+ """
+ application is bound to this address
+ """
+ cmd += " -L %s" % self.params.bind
+ if "port" in self.params:
+ """
+ client connects on this port
+ """
+ cmd += " -p %s" % self.params.port
+ if "duration" in self.params:
+ """
+ test will last this duration
+ """
+ cmd += " -l %s" % self.params.duration
+ if "testname" in self.params:
+ """
+ test that will be performed
+ """
+ cmd += " -t %s" % self.params.testname
+ if "confidence" in self.params and self.params.num_parallel <= 1:
+ """
+ confidence level that Netperf should try to achieve
+ """
+ cmd += " -I %s" % self.params.confidence
+ if self.params.runs >= 3:
+ cmd += " -i %d,%d" % (self.params.runs, self.params.runs)
+ self.params.runs = 1
+ if "cpu_util" in self.params:
+ if self.params.cpu_util.lower() == "both":
+ cmd += " -c -C"
+ elif self.params.cpu_util.lower() == "local":
+ cmd += " -c"
+ elif self.params.cpu_util.lower() == "remote":
+ cmd += " -C"
+ if self.params.debug > 0:
+ cmd += " -%s" % ('d' * self.params.debug)
+ if "netperf_opts" in self.params:
+ """
+ custom options for netperf
+ """
+ cmd += " %s" % self.params.netperf_opts
+ if self.params.num_parallel > 1:
+ """
+ wait 1 second before starting the data transfer
+ taken from the super_netperf script, can be removed if it
+ doesn't make sense
+ """
+ cmd += " -s 1"
+ # Print only relevant output
+ if self._is_omni():
+ if "testoptions" in self.params:
+ if self._is_omni():
+ cmd += " %s" % self.params.testoptions
+ else:
+ cmd += " -- %s" % self.params.testoptions
+ return cmd
+ def _parse_output(self, output):
+ res_val = None
+ if self._is_omni():
+ res_val = self._parse_omni_output(output)
+ else:
+ res_val = self._parse_non_omni_output(output)
+ if "confidence" in self.params:
+ confidence = self._parse_confidence(output)
+ res_val["confidence"] = confidence
+ return res_val
+ def _parse_omni_output(self, output):
+ res_val = {}
+ pattern_throughput = "THROUGHPUT=(\d+\.\d+)"
+ throughput =, output)
+ if throughput is None:
+ rate_in_kb = 0.0
+ else:
+ rate_in_kb = float(
+ res_val["rate"] = rate_in_kb*1000
+ res_val["unit"] = "bps"
+ if "cpu_util" in self.params:
+ if self.params.cpu_util == "local" or self.params.cpu_util == "both":
+ pattern_loc_cpu_util = "LOCAL_CPU_UTIL=([-]?\d+\.\d+)"
+ loc_cpu_util =, output)
+ res_val["LOCAL_CPU_UTIL"] = float(
+ if self.params.cpu_util == "remote" or self.params.cpu_util == "both":
+ pattern_rem_cpu_util = "REMOTE_CPU_UTIL=([-]?\d+\.\d+)"
+ rem_cpu_util =, output)
+ res_val["REMOTE_CPU_UTIL"] = float(
+ return res_val
+ def _parse_non_omni_output(self, output):
+ res_val = {}
+ # pattern for SCTP streams and other tests
+ # decimal decimal decimal float (float)
+ pattern = "\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+\s+\d+\.\d+\s+(\d+(?:\.\d+){0,1})"
+ if "cpu_util" in self.params:
+ # cpu utilization data in format: float float
+ pattern += "\s+(\d+(?:\.\d+){0,1})\s+(\d+(?:\.\d+){0,1})"
+ r2 =, output.lower())
+ if r2 is None:
+ rate_in_kb = 0.0
+ else:
+ rate_in_kb = float(
+ if "cpu_util" in self.params:
+ res_val["LOCAL_CPU_UTIL"] = float(
+ res_val["REMOTE_CPU_UTIL"] = float(
+ res_val["rate"] = rate_in_kb*1000
+ res_val["unit"] = "bps"
+ return res_val
+ def _parse_confidence(self, output):
+ if self._is_omni():
+ return self._parse_confidence_omni(output)
+ else:
+ return self._parse_confidence_non_omni(output)
+ def _parse_confidence_omni(self, output):
+ pattern_throughput_confid = "THROUGHPUT_CONFID=([-]?\d+\.\d+)"
+ pattern_confidence_level = "CONFIDENCE_LEVEL=(\d+)"
+ throughput_confid =, output)
+ confidence_level =, output)
+ if throughput_confid is not None and confidence_level is not None:
+ throughput_confid = float(
+ confidence_level = int(
+ real_confidence = (confidence_level, throughput_confid/2)
+ return real_confidence
+ else:
+ return (0, 0.0)
+ def _parse_confidence_non_omni(self, output):
+ normal_pattern = r'\+/-(\d+\.\d*)% @ (\d+)% conf\.'
+ warning_pattern = r'!!! Confidence intervals: Throughput\s+: (\d+\.\d*)%'
+ normal_confidence =, output)
+ warning_confidence =, output)
+ if normal_confidence is None:
+ logging.error("Failed to parse confidence!!")
+ return (0, 0.0)
+ if warning_confidence is None:
+ real_confidence = (float(,
+ float(
+ else:
+ real_confidence = (float(,
+ float(
+ return real_confidence
+ def _sum_results(self, first, second):
+ result = {}
+ #add rates
+ if first["unit"] == second["unit"]:
+ result["unit"] = first["unit"]
+ result["rate"] = first["rate"] + second["rate"]
+ # netperf measures the complete cpu utilization of the machine,
+ # so both second and first should be +- the same number
+ if "LOCAL_CPU_UTIL" in first and "LOCAL_CPU_UTIL" in second:
+ result["LOCAL_CPU_UTIL"] = first["LOCAL_CPU_UTIL"]
+ if "REMOTE_CPU_UTIL" in first and "REMOTE_CPU_UTIL" in second:
+ result["REMOTE_CPU_UTIL"] = first["REMOTE_CPU_UTIL"]
+ #ignoring confidence because it doesn't make sense to sum those
+ return result
+ def _pretty_rate(self, rate, unit=None):
+ pretty_rate = {}
+ if unit is None:
+ if rate < 1000:
+ pretty_rate["unit"] = "bits/sec"
+ pretty_rate["rate"] = rate
+ elif rate < 1000**2:
+ pretty_rate["unit"] = "kbits/sec"
+ pretty_rate["rate"] = rate / 1000
+ elif rate < 1000**3:
+ pretty_rate["unit"] = "mbits/sec"
+ pretty_rate["rate"] = rate / (1000**2)
+ elif rate < 1000**4:
+ pretty_rate["unit"] = "gbits/sec"
+ pretty_rate["rate"] = rate / (1000**3)
+ elif rate < 1000**5:
+ pretty_rate["unit"] = "tbits/sec"
+ pretty_rate["rate"] = rate / (1000**4)
+ else:
+ if unit == "bits/sec":
+ pretty_rate["unit"] = "bits/sec"
+ pretty_rate["rate"] = rate
+ elif unit == "Kbits/sec":
+ pretty_rate["unit"] = "Kbits/sec"
+ pretty_rate["rate"] = rate / 1024
+ elif unit == "kbits/sec":
+ pretty_rate["unit"] = "kbits/sec"
+ pretty_rate["rate"] = rate / 1000
+ elif unit == "Mbits/sec":
+ pretty_rate["unit"] = "Mbits/sec"
+ pretty_rate["rate"] = rate / (1024**2)
+ elif unit == "mbits/sec":
+ pretty_rate["unit"] = "mbits/sec"
+ pretty_rate["rate"] = rate / (1000**2)
+ elif unit == "Gbits/sec":
+ pretty_rate["unit"] = "Gbits/sec"
+ pretty_rate["rate"] = rate / (1024**3)
+ elif unit == "gbits/sec":
+ pretty_rate["unit"] = "gbits/sec"
+ pretty_rate["rate"] = rate / (1000**3)
+ elif unit == "Tbits/sec":
+ pretty_rate["unit"] = "Tbits/sec"
+ pretty_rate["rate"] = rate / (1024**4)
+ elif unit == "tbits/sec":
+ pretty_rate["unit"] = "tbits/sec"
+ pretty_rate["rate"] = rate / (1000**4)
+ return pretty_rate
+ def _run_client(self, cmd):
+ logging.debug("running as client...")
+ res_data = {}
+ res_data["testname"] = self.params.testname
+ rv = 0
+ results = []
+ rates = []
+ for i in range(1, self.params.runs+1):
+ if self.params.runs > 1:
+"Netperf starting run %d" % i)
+ clients = []
+ client_results = []
+ for i in range(0, self.params.num_parallel):
+ clients.append(ShellProcess(cmd))
+ for client in clients:
+ ret_code = None
+ try:
+ ret_code = client.wait()
+ rv += ret_code
+ except OSError as e:
+ if e.errno == errno.EINTR:
+ client.kill()
+ output = client.read_nonblocking()
+ logging.debug(output)
+ if ret_code is not None and ret_code == 0:
+ client_results.append(self._parse_output(output))
+ if len(client_results) > 0:
+ #accumulate all the parallel results into one
+ result = client_results[0]
+ for res in client_results[1:]:
+ result = self._sum_results(result, res)
+ results.append(result)
+ rates.append(results[-1]["rate"])
+ if results > 1:
+ res_data["results"] = results
+ if len(rates) > 0:
+ rate = sum(rates)/len(rates)
+ else:
+ rate = 0.0
+ if len(rates) > 1:
+ # setting deviation to 2xstd_deviation because of the 68-95-99.7
+ # rule this seems comparable to the -I 99 netperf setting
+ res_data["std_deviation"] = std_deviation(rates)
+ rate_deviation = 2*res_data["std_deviation"]
+ elif len(rates) == 1 and "confidence" in self.params:
+ result = results[0]
+ rate_deviation = rate * (result["confidence"][1] / 100)
+ else:
+ rate_deviation = 0.0
+ res_data["rate"] = rate
+ res_data["rate_deviation"] = rate_deviation
+ rate_pretty = self._pretty_rate(rate)
+ rate_dev_pretty = self._pretty_rate(rate_deviation, unit=rate_pretty["unit"])
+ if rv != 0 and self.params.runs == 1:
+ res_data["msg"] = "Could not get performance throughput!"
+ return (False, res_data)
+ elif rv != 0 and self.params.runs > 1:
+ res_data["msg"] = "At least one of the Netperf runs failed, "\
+ "check the logs and result data for more "\
+ "information."
+ return (False, res_data)
+ res_val = False
+ if "max_deviation" in self.params:
+ if self.params.max_deviation["type"] == "percent":
+ percentual_deviation = (rate_deviation / rate) * 100
+ if percentual_deviation > self.params.max_deviation["value"]:
+ res_val = False
+ res_data["msg"] = "Measured rate %.2f +-%.2f %s has bigger "\
+ "deviation than allowed (+-%.2f %%)" %\
+ (rate_pretty["rate"],
+ rate_dev_pretty["rate"],
+ rate_pretty["unit"],
+ self.params.max_deviation["value"])
+ return (res_val, res_data)
+ elif self.params.max_deviation["type"] == "absolute":
+ if rate_deviation > self.params.max_deviation["value"]["rate"]:
+ pretty_deviation = self._pretty_rate(self.params.max_deviation["value"]["rate"])
+ res_val = False
+ res_data["msg"] = "Measured rate %.2f +-%.2f %s has bigger "\
+ "deviation than allowed (+-%.2f %s)" %\
+ (rate_pretty["rate"],
+ rate_dev_pretty["rate"],
+ rate_pretty["unit"],
+ pretty_deviation["rate"],
+ pretty_deviation["unit"])
+ return (res_val, res_data)
+ if "threshold_interval" in self.params:
+ result_interval = (rate - rate_deviation,
+ rate + rate_deviation)
+ threshold_pretty = self._pretty_rate(self.params.threshold["rate"])
+ threshold_dev_pretty = self._pretty_rate(self.params.threshold_deviation["rate"],
+ unit = threshold_pretty["unit"])
+ if self.params.threshold_interval[0] > result_interval[1]:
+ res_val = False
+ res_data["msg"] = "Measured rate %.2f +-%.2f %s is lower "\
+ "than threshold %.2f +-%.2f %s" %\
+ (rate_pretty["rate"],
+ rate_dev_pretty["rate"],
+ rate_pretty["unit"],
+ threshold_pretty["rate"],
+ threshold_dev_pretty["rate"],
+ threshold_pretty["unit"])
+ return (res_val, res_data)
+ else:
+ res_val = True
+ res_data["msg"] = "Measured rate %.2f +-%.2f %s is higher "\
+ "than threshold %.2f +-%.2f %s" %\
+ (rate_pretty["rate"],
+ rate_dev_pretty["rate"],
+ rate_pretty["unit"],
+ threshold_pretty["rate"],
+ threshold_dev_pretty["rate"],
+ threshold_pretty["unit"])
+ return (res_val, res_data)
+ else:
+ if rate > 0.0:
+ res_val = True
+ else:
+ res_val = False
+ res_data["msg"] = "Measured rate was %.2f +-%.2f %s" %\
+ (rate_pretty["rate"],
+ rate_dev_pretty["rate"],
+ rate_pretty["unit"])
+ return (res_val, res_data)
+ def run(self):
+ cmd = self._compose_cmd()
+ logging.debug("compiled command: %s" % cmd)
+ if not is_installed("netperf"):
+ res_data = {}
+ res_data["msg"] = "Netperf is not installed on this machine!"
+ logging.error(res_data["msg"])
+ self._res_data = res_data
+ return False
+ (rv, res_data) = self._run_client(cmd)
+ self._res_data = res_data
+ if rv == False:
+ return False
+ return True
diff --git a/recipes/examples/ b/recipes/examples/
index a4f4165..5b105ed 100755
--- a/recipes/examples/
+++ b/recipes/examples/
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ from lnst.Controller import BaseRecipe
from lnst.Controller import HostReq, DeviceReq
from lnst.Tests import IcmpPing
+from lnst.Tests.Netperf import Netperf, Netserver
class MyRecipe(BaseRecipe):
m1 = HostReq()
@@ -28,6 +29,20 @@ class MyRecipe(BaseRecipe):
+ netserver_job =,
+ bg=True)
+ netperf_job =,
+ duration=1,
+ confidence="99,5",
+ runs="5",
+ debug=0,
+ max_deviation={'type':"percent",
+ 'value':20.0},
+ testname="TCP_STREAM"))
ctl = Controller(debug=1)
r = MyRecipe()