Hello Team,

I am Buddhika Kurera[1] more info can be found at my userpage.

By reading FAmSCo meeting logs I understood that fedora-insight needs support, so decided to join with the team and support as much as possible.
Being frank I am new to fedora-insight. I m a member of FAm, FWN and mkt teams 
(and also a member of design team yet not an official member but I am sure I am doing well there as well) 
therefore when reading the insight project page[2] feel like I can do something.

I ll be leaning about the team work and tasks and will join with assigned task soon.

My interests laid on web development with PHP, graphic design, CSS design. Further I was contributing to DocBook project[3] as well.
Therefore I am familiar with DocBook as well.
Therefore seems like I can do something with the project.

Please help me to find a task as I have noted above as my preferences. 
Thanks for the support.

[1]  https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Bckurera 
[2] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_Insight
[3] http://www.docbook.org

Buddhike Chandradeepa Kurera(bckurera)
Fedora Ambassador Sri Lanka
Event Liaison - Design Team

Emailbckurera@fedoraproject.org | IRC: bckurera