Thanks for the update William!


On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 2:01 PM, William Heinbockel <> wrote:

I'm prepping the CEE 1.0beta release and as part of that, I've tried
to summarize some of the discussions surrounding the field naming and
syntaxes. The plan for CEE to basically adopt this Lumberjack syntax.

An update field list, based on David's suggestions and borrowing from
Syslog & libumberlog, is posted here:

The Syntax spec is mostly complete, but is still a bit rough around the edges:

What I did was take the JSON field types and add datetime, ipv4, and ipv6 types.
Then made a basic conversion from JSON --> XML and tried to align the
libumberlog syntaxes with Keith's XML.
I also added some notes about the "structured" vs. "inline" field naming.

Basically, most of this should line up pretty well with the
discussions we've been having.
The only real delta is the difference between Keith's XML and the
proposed syntax -- not everything aligns, but it is fairly close.
Keith: I will contact you directly with my schema proposals.
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