Hey, everyone. It was a hard slog, but we finally managed to do an F16
RC1 build yesterday. We only have a few days before the go/no-go meeting
on Tuesday so we could really do with your help to get through
validation as fast as possible. If RC1 proves to pass validation we have
until Tuesday to do it, but really it'd be great if we could complete
validation over the weekend, so if any further issues are found, we have
a fighting chance to re-spin and re-validate on Monday.
The RC is available here:
The desktop validation page, with all the tests, results matrix, and
testing instructions, is here:
Please, if you have any spare time at all this weekend, grab the DVD or
live image for your desktop and help us fill out the validation matrix!
If you hit a bug which is clearly a 'fail' - the test just doesn't pass
at all - if you're testing GNOME Shell, GNOME fallback, or KDE, file a
bug and mark it as blocking 'F16Blocker'. (If you don't have the
privileges to do this, mail me the bug ID and I'll do it). If you're
testing any other desktop, file a bug and mark it as blocking
'F16-accepted'. Then report your result for the test as {{result|fail|
If you hit a bug while doing a test but it doesn't really mean the test
is completely failed - just some issue that happened to come up while
you were doing the test - file the bug, and report your result for the
test as {{result|warn|username|bugid}}. use your judgment as to whether
the bug should be proposed as a blocker or nice-to-have or not proposed
at all, depending on how serious it seems.
We fixed quite a lot of desktop issues for RC1. For Desktop, we fixed
the issue with clutter-dependent apps crashing when hardware 3D
acceleration is not available and the subsequently-discovered issue
where clutter-based video playback and capture fails when hardware 3D
isn't available. For KDE, we fixed the two issues which prevented KDE
running properly in a VM with either qxl or cirrus drivers: KDE should
now work fine inside KVMs. For Xfce, we took a bunch of the
NTH-nominated fixes. So, I'm hoping this means we've already had quite a
lot of testing with the TCs, and the RCs should be pretty good.
Thanks everyone!
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | identi.ca: adamwfedora
Hey, folks. We just released Fedora 16 Final TC2:
It would be great if people could grab the TC and help fill out the
desktop validation results:
We need to make sure we have good coverage and know where all the
blockers are ahead of the RC phase, which comes next week. I didn't
mention TC1 because it had a major issue with live image installation
which is what we usually use for desktop validation: this build should
have that bug fixed, so installations from the live images should
behave. Thanks for any help you can give!
In addition, if you could all check the blocker list for remaining bugs
relating to your desktops and prioritize work on those, that'd be great:
though there actually aren't a whole lot of desktop bugs there right
Adam Williamson
Fedora QA Community Monkey
IRC: adamw | Twitter: AdamW_Fedora | identi.ca: adamwfedora
On 29/09/11 19:12, Frank Murphy wrote:
If I login through lxdm -> openbox.
Any opened app has the min\max buttons.
So it appears I may have broken something within lxde desktop.
Frank Murphy
UTF_8 Encoded
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