On 08/28/2016 09:39 PM, Natalie Ardasevova wrote:
Hello guys,
I would like to ask a marketing-related question - do you have a process where you identify what it is that readers like the most or are looking for the most and based on which you focus the content of your articles?
I need to do a similar like you do with Fedora for newbies, but with Modularity for the existing contributors.
Thank you a lot!
Natalie Ardasevova nardasev@redhat.com Marketing Communications Specialist
Hey Natalie, we have done some retrospective like this in the past at certain intervals, but we are not actively doing this right now. Paul did use a tool to find top search queries for things with Fedora and we used those to create some starter pitches for new writers.
If I can remember what the tool is, I think that's a great way to get a better insight to what people in the greater public are looking for. Otherwise, for the topics we are writing on, we usually look at the WordPress metrics.