Paul et al.
If you have a client that supports (or you know how to manually grab the
headers of a list email, that is also in the headers under X-Unsubscribe
and directly takes you to the unsubscribe page where in one (maybe two
clicks - if you need to login) you are off the list directly and
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email addy.
Corey W Sheldon
ph: +1 (310).909.7672
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Freelance IT Consultant, Multi-Discipline Tutor
Fedora AmbaNA (linuxmodder)
Ameridea LLC Founder, President
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"One must never underestimate the power of boredom...from which
creativity and laziness are borne, which can spark great works of chaos
and genius." --Anonymous
"Any man willing to retreat freedom for security is deserving of
neither." (Pp) -- Benjamin Franklin.
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