Hey all,
This week's Magazine meeting just came to a close. We went ahead and hashed out our publishing schedule, generally, for the next week:
* Fri, July 07: "Clustered computing on Fedora with Minikube" * Mon, July 10: "Introducing the Python Classroom Lab" - Or possibly: "Taking smart backups with Duplicity" * Tue, July 11: F26 announcement, "Upgrading Fedora 25 to Fedora 26" * Wed, July 12: TBD (can be PyLab if Duplicity goes on Monday)
Thanks everyone for coming out today, and see you next week!
= = = = =
Meeting ended Thu Jul 6 22:10:50 2017 UTC. Minutes: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2017-07-06/magazine.2017-07... Minutes (text): https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2017-07-06/magazine.2017-07... Log: https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2017-07-06/magazine.2017-07...
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========================================= #fedora-meeting: Magazine editorial board =========================================
Meeting started by stickster at 21:00:05 UTC. The full logs are available at https://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2017-07-06/magazine.2017-07... .
Meeting summary --------------- * Roll call (stickster, 21:00:07)
* Last week's stats (stickster, 21:04:10) * Week of Jun 26 = 40.6K views, down slightly from week before and continuing lower trend but this is fairly normal for summer (stickster, 21:05:12) * June ~199.1K views, vs. May 217.1K, April 226.5K... again, summer is always slower. Note these numbers are up almost 50% for Apr/May y/y; June is not but that was a release month in 2016 (stickster, 21:06:49)
* Release info (stickster, 21:07:55) * F26 GA is *go* for Tue Jul 11 (stickster, 21:08:04) * stickster reminded folks in the readiness meeting that we expect a draft of the announcement in the Magazine in advance, and stickster can be ready to push the Publish button when ready (stickster, 21:08:41) * ACTION: jwf will write customary upgrade article (stickster, 21:09:17) * ACTION: ryanlerch capture f25-26 upgrade picture from gnome-software (stickster, 21:14:10) * ACTION: ryanlerch to do featured image for upgrade article too (ryanlerch, 21:14:55) * ACTION: ryanlerch to do featured image for release annoucnement (ryanlerch, 21:14:56) * IDEA: For upgrade article, linking back internally to the forthcoming backup series (if ready by release day) (jwf, 21:17:09)
* Interjection by Yr. Humble Servant (stickster, 21:19:47) * stickster will be offline from basically the next hour until Sunday evening, mostly without any computer access (stickster, 21:20:19)
* Pending review (stickster, 21:21:26) * --- All the JWF Articles(tm) --- (stickster, 21:21:35) * AGREED: Kubernetes #2 out tomorrow (Fri Jul 07) (stickster, 21:29:57)
* Drafts (stickster, 21:30:08) * LINK:
https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=draft&post_type... (stickster, 21:30:13) * --- backup articles --- (stickster, 21:30:48) * ACTION: jwf contact Link to see if he'll give go-ahead for backup article #1 on Monday July 10 (stickster, 21:33:06) * --- Python Classroom Lab --- (stickster, 21:34:00) * LINK: https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=17958&preview=1&_ppp=1a8c079676 (stickster, 21:34:02) * AGREED: tentatively schedule Python Classroom Lab post for Wed Jul 12 (if we get backup #1 out Mon Jul 10); otherwise it could go out Mon Jul 10 if desired (stickster, 21:37:32)
* Pitches (stickster, 21:38:02) * LINK:
https://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=pitch&post_type... (stickster, 21:38:03) * --- Smartcards for DoD sites --- (stickster, 21:38:18) * LINK: https://fedoramagazine.org/?p=17967&preview=true (stickster, 21:38:22) * AGREED: khris will begin writing first draft of smartcard + Fedora how-to article and aim to keep it general for other smartcard tools / libraries; ETA for a first draft is Wednesday (jwf, 22:00:40)
* Publishing schedule (jwf, 22:02:01) * AGREED: PUBLISHING SCHEDULE: Fri, July 7: Kubernetes pt. 2; Mon, July 10: Backups pt.1 / Python Classroom Lab; Tue, July 11: F26 announcement, F25=>F26 upgrade article; Wed, July 12: Python Classroom Lab (if backups pt.1 on Monday) (jwf, 22:05:40)
* Open floor (jwf, 22:06:13) * ACTION: ryanlerch / stickster Recycle last week's featured image for "Clustered computing on Fedora with Minikube", schedule article for tomorrow once image is added (jwf, 22:10:12)
Meeting ended at 22:10:50 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * jwf will write customary upgrade article * ryanlerch capture f25-26 upgrade picture from gnome-software * ryanlerch to do featured image for upgrade article too * ryanlerch to do featured image for release annoucnement * jwf contact Link to see if he'll give go-ahead for backup article #1 on Monday July 10 * ryanlerch / stickster Recycle last week's featured image for "Clustered computing on Fedora with Minikube", schedule article for tomorrow once image is added
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * jwf * jwf will write customary upgrade article * jwf contact Link to see if he'll give go-ahead for backup article #1 on Monday July 10 * ryanlerch * ryanlerch capture f25-26 upgrade picture from gnome-software * ryanlerch to do featured image for upgrade article too * ryanlerch to do featured image for release annoucnement * ryanlerch / stickster Recycle last week's featured image for "Clustered computing on Fedora with Minikube", schedule article for tomorrow once image is added * stickster * ryanlerch / stickster Recycle last week's featured image for "Clustered computing on Fedora with Minikube", schedule article for tomorrow once image is added * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * stickster (81) * jwf (81) * ryanlerch (31) * khris (15) * zodbot (10) * sbrady1[m] (4) * kthebyrd (2) * mattdm (2)
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