I think we need to call for a meeting regarding the launch party. IRC meeting would be sufficient.

Suggest to have it tomorrow night @ 9pm on #fedora-my.


On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 12:52 PM, syamsul anuar <wariola@gmail.com> wrote:
Lets answer this together. Open for discussion.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Abdul Aziz Mydin Salimuddin <kernel013@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 3:33 PM
Subject: Fedora @ Saito launch party
To: syamsul anuar <wariola@gmail.com>

Dear Anuar,

These are few question that we need to now.

1. what are the theme for the party?

2. what do you need during the party? (beside plug point and wireless network)

3. how many people are invited?

4. who are those people?

5. how long the duration of the function?

6. who is actually going to give the briefing and how many of them? can you please list down their name and their other details and what topic they going to talk about.

7. will you guys bring any sample of fedora 11 to be demonstrate to the people if yes how many pc will you need to use it.

8. how about our talk in having and came down here and guiding our students in the LINUX class later on?

9. want to have or give small project to the student as a start.


saito college


.: war|ola :.
Use Fedora Linux for better computing experience

.: war|ola :.
Use Fedora Linux for better computing experience