Security Meetup ? UniPwned! ? Hacking UniFi for the LOLZ
This 30 minute presentation will talk about the recent deployment of TM?s new HSBB service and the security aspects of it. We?ll mainly be focusing on hacking the D-LINK DIR-615 router which is issued to all UniFi subscribers. From stealing account credentials, to ways of building a router based botnet. There will also be a Q&A session in hopes of discussing other potential attack vectors.
This event happens tomorrow Jan 11, 2011 at HackerspaceKL.
For more information on this event, visit http://www.hackerspace.my/2010/12/28/security-meetup-unipwned-%E2%80%93-hack...
Unix g33ks III
This 3rd instalment of the series aims to teach the group how to install, configure, and secure web related application technologies in a BSD environments using the previous sessions as a primer for a production ready machine. Prerequisites for this part of the series is minimal; an understanding of the UNIX environment in general and/or attended UNIX Essentials before hand.
The session topics will be as follows:-
Session 1: Basic Internet Understanding ? how the internet ecosystem works Session 2: DNS Configuration (master/slave/replication) with an introduction to DNSSEC Session 3: Apache httpd (installation/configuration using freebsd ports) Session 4: Alternative web servers (Nginx/Lighttpd installation and use cases) Session 5: Database and data management (covering sqlite & mysql) Session 6: Performance tuning (both for httpd/mysql and OS) Session 7: IPFW ? IP firewall management Session 8: Hardening and security assessment
For more information on UNIX-g33ks, check out the post at http://www.hackerspace.my/2011/01/10/unix-g33ks-iii