Just as an experiment... would anyone be willing to setup a laptop
with a video capture camera running cheese at FUDCon so we can capture
some candid documentary styled interviews of individual contributors?
I want video of people sitting down, stating their names and answer a
single pre-defined question. I don't need it to be high quality. I
just want to experiment with this sort of footage as a way to put a
human face on the project but doesn't need a lot of editting to be
So if you are going to FUDCon and think this is an interesting
experiment, here is what I'd like to see.
1) A laptop with cheese running set up so that people can sit down in
front of a reasonable neutral background...blank wall of any color
would be fine.
2) A simple script that we ask everyone to follow where they are asked
to state their name, state the question they are going to answer and
state the answer.
3) Give people a time limit of a couple of minutes per personal theora video.
So the only thing is really.. what question to ask people. If
someone is willing to put the hardware together to attempt to
experiment. I'll convince the Board to provide the question to ask and
we'll see how this sort of thing goes over. If we like the result and
think we can use it, we can replicate it by asking ambassadors to
repeat this sort of thing at different global events and build up
footage in different languages that we can edit together as needed for
marketing purposes.