High-level status overview:
- we're continuing to go slow and steady, and we'll launch when we're
done with all the tasks linked above.
- EVERYTHING IS PACKAGED! except for the skin. Everything is packaged
and approved; xinha and EZComments are waiting for CVS, but everything
else is sitting in a repo ready to go. Thanks to the heroic and patient
efforts of Nick Bebout, Jon Stanley, and Sebastian Dziallas for helping
us finally get past those last few inches. (We should have a talk with
upstream during FUDCon about how to make our mutual lives easier.) In
other words, we'll soon be able to stop talking about
logistics/infrastructure and start talking about content and marketing
strategy. Sweet.
- Since xinha is packaged, that means we'll probably have WYSIWYG
operational soon.
- This also means we can start pouring content through shortly, since it
will actually be easy for authors to enter content.
- But first we need to finish tweaking the skin (and then package it).
Lots of logs:
06:15:04 < zodbot> Minutes:
06:15:04 < zodbot> Minutes (text):
06:15:04 < zodbot> Log:
Via Paul and Mo, from Colin:
18:23:23 < stickster> <walters> mizmo: nice work on the one page release
notes; one thing we should do probably that would help you out
here is more clearly separate Features into those 3 categories
18:23:23 < stickster> <walters> then you could link to the
Features/Desktop, Features/Administration, Features/Development
18:23:23 < stickster> <mizmo> walters: oh i didnt do it, i just added
some images to it, i think the marketing team had a sprint on it
18:23:23 < stickster> <walters> right now (like the package system),
apps, development, and core system are all mixed up
Good stuff for anyone interested in working on
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/One_page_release_notes - incorporating
these changes into the F12 version is a nice quick one for someone
looking for a 15min task to get started with.
Forwarding this to the marketing list with the idea of initiating a
discussion around the visual representation of this suggestion.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Shakthi Kannan <shakthimaan(a)gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 10:21 PM
Subject: Web page for distro life cycle stage
To: Development discussions related to Fedora <fedora-devel-list(a)redhat.com>
Is there a web-page or is it possible to have one that shows the
Fedora distro release and its stage in the release cycle?
For example, if a release such as Fedora 9, is not supported, one can
have it shown with a red circle. If a release is in freeze, it can be
in marked in an yellow circle, and when we can push packages to a
release, it can be in a green circle, similar to traffic signal
While, we do receive e-mails on freeze updates, I thought it will be
simpler to just check a web-page rather than having to go through
mailing list archives?
Suggestions welcome.
Shakthi Kannan
sankarshan mukhopadhyay
My apologies for not having this out sooner -- I postponed the email
at some point and failed to get back to it.
As with previous releases, Kara Schiltz and I have been working on
lining up internal support for the Fedora 12 launch. I wanted to
indicate our schedule here for the sake of interlock. The dates for
pre-release press blog entries are somewhat flexible:
Oct. 21 - In-depth feature #1 (SystemTap)
Oct. 27 - Video spotlight #1
Oct. 26 - Nov. 8: Edit webcopy for http://redhat.com/Fedora
Weeks of Nov. 3 and Nov. 9 - schedule and facilitate pre-briefs
Nov. 3 - In-depth feature #2 (Desktop or Virt) <-- prefer Desktop here
Nov. 5 - Finalize homepage promo and send to geos
Nov. 9 - Finalize F12 launch video
Nov. 10 - Video spotlight #2
Nov. 12 - Press release to int'l PR teams for translation
Nov. 17 - F12 GA / Launch video / press release
As you can see, we're a smidge behind on a couple of the bits internal
to Red Hat -- the video spotlights. But my expectation is that we'll
have at least one pre-release, and be able to have another ready
post-release. Kara is working on a press blog entry around the
Desktop interview that Robyn just conducted. Mel is working on
finalizing her interview text, and then it will get the same
treatment. Everything else looks ready to go, so all in all I'd say
we're in "B+ to A-" shape.
Paul W. Frields http://paul.frields.org/
gpg fingerprint: 3DA6 A0AC 6D58 FEC4 0233 5906 ACDB C937 BD11 3717
http://redhat.com/ - - - - http://pfrields.fedorapeople.org/irc.freenode.net: stickster @ #fedora-docs, #fedora-devel, #fredlug
Sorry for the delay, folks - I thought I was going to be able to finish
this in the plane and during my US-based layovers on the way to
Singapore, but I just got stuck with a "your first plane arrives at the
gate after your second plane's stated boarding time" situation - waiting
to get out of the plane and RUN MADLY right now - so I have to dump and run.
Here's what there is right now. I'm going to be splicing this into
several separate long profiles during my long flight to Japan. If
someone wants to dive through and cherrypick quotes to make a short
all-virt-stuff-in-one article (which is what I *should* have done on the
plane to Texas), I'll look at this page when I get to my hotel in
Singapore and upload the extended versions, and at that point if there's
not a short version I'll make one. (That's going to be Sunday night;
long plane flights ahead.)
I've written up some of the highlights from Mel's interview with some
of the virt team.
Please take a gander. I took a few liberties... like capitalization,
the use of [words] to summarize parts of a sentence on occasions when
I didn't want to use the whole previous sentence / lead-in, changing
irc nicks on occasion to full names, fixing spelling errors, etc.
(Okay, that's more than a few liberties, I suppose. :D) Also, if
anyone has any thoughts on better framing it - I used straight
interview quotes summarized by topic headings, rather than doing
something more formal along the lines of "Mel also spoke with David
about XYZ. "
In any case - feedback would be appreciated, particularly in the area
of "wow, she totally omitted the MOST IMPORTANT THING said" or "she
totally mangled the meaning there" - the most I know about
virtualization is "what it is" and "how to spell it," although I did
learn quite a bit from the AWESOME interview that was conducted here.
I'm also mildly concerned about lengthiness, but I felt that what is
here is fairly informative and I didn't want to cut anything good. :)
This reminds me of what Sakis was mentioning on IRC the other day about
having a consistent motto across our marketing materials, for the
benefit of the press. Nice read.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: The Fedora experience
Date: Thu, 05 Nov 2009 15:57:17 -0500
From: Máirín Duffy <mairin(a)linuxgrrl.com>
Reply-To: fedora-advisory-board(a)redhat.com
To: fedora-advisory-board(a)redhat.com
Please check this article out. I think with our new website design we
need to be providing an experience - a presentation - like this, and
these techniques seem like they'll be a useful guide.
Uncovering Steve Jobs' Presentation Secrets
"For his new book, communications coach Carmine Gallo watched hours of
Jobs' keynotes. Here he identifies the five elements of every
presentation by the Apple CEO" ...
"1. A headline. Steve Jobs positions every product with a headline that
fits well within a 140-character Twitter post. For example, Jobs
described the MacBook Air as "the world's thinnest notebook." That
phrase appeared on his presentation slides, the Apple Web site, and
Apple's press releases at the same time. What is the one thing you want
people to know about your product? This headline must be consistent in
all of your marketing and presentation material."
fedora-advisory-board mailing list
Peeking in on things the morning before I jet off to Singapore: We've
got 6 things left to do this release cycle and we're looking pretty good!
* Screenshots - we need someone to step up and run a sprint to generate
the rest of these.
* Briefing Ambassadors - Nick Bebout
* Monitoring PR/news from the release - I don't think we have a game
plan for this yet. Anyone?
* Fedora news distribution network (NDN) - Steven, are you still up for
doing this?
* In depth feature profiles - I'm finishing mine during gaps in a
conference today.
* One page release notes - formerly the Tour Page - Sakis Samaras has
been doing some fantastic wordsmithing here, and Paul and Mo are putting
in images, so it looks like this is asymptotically reaching the point of
Total Awesome, and will soon pop this over to Design for "please make
nice PDF layout?" help. More feedback later in a response to one of
Sakis's emails.