Hi Everyone,
I'm writing because right now I think we are in trouble. In the past
we have reached a huge success with the gamers PlayIT HU event (over
11k visitors), and in cooperation we reached also that we gonna be
able to provide a complete introduction, and starter article about
Fedora within this pocket boot. HQ of th HU Pcworld would like to
start an series with this booklet, and if this gonna be successful -
we gonna represent Fedora again the autumn PlayIT event, and we get
more press. They requested somekind of introduction to Fedora and kind
of mixture about .Next... But here comes the twist. We don't have any
(as far as I know) any press kit, or base that I can translate - so,
the question is what should I write, or compose? Where can I found
presskit or something that help to us?
Ps: I have already asked from IDG for details (pages, colors and so
on), but we need HEEEELP :)
PGP: 06853DF7