On Tue, Nov 24, 2009 at 10:39 PM, Mel Chua mel@redhat.com wrote:
On 11/22/2009 05:27 PM, Neville A. Cross wrote:
Hello, I am submitting this mail to fedora marketing list with the subject as adviced by Athanasios.
Thanks, Neville - and also to Sakis (Athanasios) for suggesting the forward!
As a side note, how can we better keep track of international press like this? I think we need to figure out how to get a better Marketing <--> Ambassadors link going for F13. ;)
We, as ambassador, should be watching out for those news and report back to the press archive. But, as I did, we also should look to feed the columnists with material to write about us. The translation of one page release note was a big help.
I will like to join the fedora marketing team in the near future, probably at the beginning of January.
Best regards.