On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 10:34:35AM -0400, Máirín Duffy wrote:
- Level 3 - Advanced Fedora users:
Fedora users that are developers, upstreams, system admins, and so on. They care about lower level changes - what's changed in systemd, yum/dnf and so on.
Why would you market Fedora to folks who are already users and who are advanced users? What is the goal there? (Obviously not to get them to try it?)
I can think of several:
* Convince them to move from advanced user to contributor
* Help enable them to be ambassadors (either in our official sense or more informally as advocates to other potential users)
* Simply to reinforce / retain loyalty
Folks who are already users / advanced users aren't going to use a flyer or any printed / PDF document as a primary source for information. There are much better ways to reach these folks.
Yeah, maybe paper isn't the best approach for this category.