We're overdue for a catchup on a variety of things, but I have a specific request from Fedora magazine.
Today, in our Editorial meeting we discussed how with next week being the Holiday, we wanted to do something special, but we also wouldn't have as much time/people/resources to publish major articles.
So what we came up with was a social media campaign to encourage people to be "Thankful" during Thanksgiving, and tag/shout-out/thank any Free/Open Source Software people/projects in a tweet.
We would then cherry pick some of the best ones, to be embedded in a Fedora Magazine Post and published on Thanksgiving.
I got no matches on #FOSSgiving, so that one is my vote, but some other hashtags we were throwing around were:
#FedoraFriends (some noise) #Friendora (some noise) #ThankYouFOSS #FOSSTgiving #TYFOSS #FOSSTY #ThanksFromFedora #FedoraThanksyou #thnxfrmfedora #FedoraLove (noisy)
Some Possible Tweets Introducing the Hashtag:
Have a favorite Free Software or Open Source Project, Community, or Contributor? Take a moment to say Thank You this year with #FOSSgiving
Have a favorite #FreeSoftware or #OpenSource Project, Community, or Contributor? Take a moment to say #ThankYou this year with #FOSSgiving
Have a favorite Free Software or Open Source Project, Community, or Contributor? Take a moment to be #Thankful this year with #FOSSgiving
Have a favorite #FreeSoftware or #OpenSource Project, Community, or Contributor? Take a moment to say Thank You this year with #FOSSgiving
Some example tweets could be like:
This #FOSSgiving I'm thankful for @tpope and his #vim plugins that help me every day to write every line of text in a fraction of the time
This #FOSSGiving I'm thankful for @inkscape which I use to design and create at home and at work (and for saving me thousands of dollars!)
I'm cc'ing the mktg, commops, and design list on this thread, so that we can all work together to help promote this and make it happen.
Thoughts? --RemyD.