On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 02:21:15PM +0530, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
Jack Aboutboul wrote:
Hello All,
In anticipation of the alpha release, I put together a talking points page highlighting some of the new stuff we should be seeing in F11. Please take a look and also play around if you like!
Who is the audience for this? Currently, there is way too many technical details.
And there are too many points; this looks more like a restatement of the feature list: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Releases/11/FeatureList
Really there should only be a small number of talking points, because we want to build a coherent, interesting story from the end-user side for specific important features.
Here are the features I believe are good candidates for this treatment for Alpha and beyond. Obviously as we move forward it's still possible another feature might emerge as a major talking point; feature cutoff doesn't happen for quite some time yet for F11.
Users: * New volume control * maybe Presto/deltaRPMs if that's actually going to happen for F11 * Fingerprint scanning
Developers: * MinGW Windows cross-compiler
Sysadmins: * ext4 file system
Community: * Moksha and live web app framework
Building a story around each of these features won't be too difficult, because they're all compelling, easy for Fedora people to talk about, and easy for journalists to understand and write about.