I'm +1 for fedoramagazine.com and having magazine.fedoraproject.org, fedoramagazine.org, etc. redirect to it if necessary.


On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 1:04 PM, Jason Brooks <jasonbrooks@fedoraproject.org> wrote:
> [1] I was running into an issue where I was trying to update the keys
> and salt for the WordPress install to secure it using the OpenShift
> repo. When I git pushed the changes, it reverted all the app updates I
> had made such as installing OpenID and upgrading to WP 3.5. Talking to
> the OpenShift guys, I found out this was because the changes the app
> made to the WordPress install aren't automatically committed to the git
> repo. So what you have to do to make changes to WordPress on the
> filesystem is run the rhc-snapshot command to grab all of the app data,
> and copy the 'php-5.3/repo/php' directory over top the 'php' directory
> in the git repo and then do a git add *, git commit, and git push. So
> the general workflow for updating should be:
> - Make any updates / plugin or theme installations as needed directly in
> the Wordpress admin UI.
> - Use the 'rhc-snapshot' command to pull down the changes, and commit
> them to the OpenShift git repo to make sure they are tracked.

When I update my wordpress on openshift, I don't use the web admin
interface, I make the changes to my local git repo and push from
there. I think it ends up being a simpler workflow. Also, I believe
the rhc commands are only accessible through one openshift account,
but you can add multiple ssh keys to openshift to allow different
people to interact w/ it through git.