12:57 < iWolf> Store SIG meeting in 3 minutes. 12:58 -!- Karlik [n=Karlik@fedora/Karlik] has joined #fedora-mktg 13:00 < iWolf> Okay. Who is here for the Store SIG meeting? 13:02 < tw2113> thought it was friday 13:02 -!- bpepple|lt [n=bpepple|@adsl-75-60-216-220.dsl.wotnoh.sbcglobal.net] has quit "Ex-Chat" 13:02 < iWolf> tw2113: nope, Wednesday. Unless I mess up typing it somewhere... :) 13:03 < tw2113> no, i messed up 13:03 < tw2113> i had friday on the brain 13:03 < tw2113> i'll be around then 13:03 < iWolf> You're Michael? 13:03 < tw2113> yeah 13:03 < iWolf> I will give it till about 5 after and then go over the list of things. See if we get anyone else here. 13:03 < iWolf> Thanks for the email, that helped answer some questions about REVELinux. 13:04 * Sparks is in the background 13:04 < tw2113> ;) 13:04 * iWolf nods 13:04 -!- nihed2 [n=ikanawa@] has joined #fedora-mktg 13:05 * ricky is here. 13:05 < iWolf> Okay, lets get started, even if it is a small crowd. 13:05 -!- tux_440volt [n=subhodip@] has quit Remote closed the connection 13:05 < iWolf> First up is the mockup and general requirements portion. 13:06 < iWolf> I have a list of general requirements here: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Store/GeneralRequirements 13:06 < iWolf> I am still looking for someone to help with the mockup. My skills in that arena are minimal. 13:06 < iWolf> I think the requirements page covers most of what we have talked about in the past. 13:07 < ricky> Perhaps we can take a look at http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Artwork/DesignService 13:07 < ricky> (And once we get a mockup, bring it up on fedora-websites-list) 13:07 < iWolf> I think that's my next place to solicit. 13:08 < iWolf> I will submit our proposal to them and see if we get some help from that end. 13:09 < iWolf> If no one else has something to add, we can move to the next item. 13:09 < iWolf> - a more in-depth chat with REVELinux. 13:09 < ricky> The main thing is to make the purpose of the site very clear- that last email was useful. 13:09 < tw2113> if someone wants to pick that up, they have my blessing 13:10 < iWolf> tw2113: forewarded me an email dialog, I plan on parsing that and I will add more info to the Potential Distributors page. 13:10 < tw2113> i know Max wanted to be in on it 13:10 < iWolf> ricky: in regards to the Artwork DesignService? 13:11 < ricky> iWolf: For getting started with website stuff in general. 13:11 < iWolf> tw2113: I plan on getting some of the facts together and running them by Max before we go anywhere, just hoping to take some of the legwork off his plate. 13:11 < iWolf> ricky: cool, they look a good option to start with. 13:12 < iWolf> I can dig into it a bit more with REVELinux. 13:12 < tw2113> yeah, i'm sure he's quite busy 13:12 < iWolf> Next up, the bulk items for Ambassadors. 13:12 < iWolf> We have that page started in the wiki: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Ambassadors/AmbassadorVendors 13:13 < iWolf> It's open for people to add vendors too and will be the basis for bulk orders I think - unless our chosen vendor can price things really well for bulk. 13:13 < iWolf> We just need to get some more folks to add distributors. 13:13 < iWolf> Anything to add on this item? 13:14 < ricky> Has anybody posted to fedora-ambassadors-list about this yet? 13:14 < ricky> I don't remember catching anything about that, but it could just be me. 13:14 < Sparks> Should there be sort of agreement between Fedora and the supplier? 13:14 < iWolf> ricky: I think my last email was sent to marketing list, you are right, I should have sent it straight to the Ambassador list as well. 13:15 < Sparks> ricky: I remember something coming across the list a while back...Nothing lately. 13:15 < iWolf> ricky: I sent an email regarding the Ambasador Vendor page to the Ambassador list on 1/6 13:16 < iWolf> My other emails so far have been to the marketing list. 13:16 * couf puts link in: http://www.magentocommerce.com/ (seems to be pretty good platform to start off) 13:16 < iWolf> couf: Thanks! 13:16 < ricky> Oh, I see it - my mistake. 13:16 < iWolf> couf: feel free to add any pros and cons that may be associated with it. 13:17 < iWolf> ricky: no worries! 13:17 < couf> iWolf: need to test it myself, but will do 13:17 < ricky> couf: I didn't think we wanted to handle the eCommerce-type stuff ourself. 13:17 < iWolf> Sparks: as for an agreement, I don't think there will be one more than choosing a vendor to work through and signing up. 13:18 < couf> ricky: it can work as a frontend as well, or so I read somewhere (can't find the page though) 13:18 < ricky> (I was hoping that the vendor site would handle the card/payments, merchandise, etc.) 13:18 < ricky> I'm guessing that Infrastructure would lean towards generated static pages or such as well. 13:18 < iWolf> Yeah, I would error towards simplicity. 13:18 < couf> sure, just putting a pointer :-) 13:19 < iWolf> Let the vendor site handle the harder stuff to keep from overburdening the infrastructure team. 13:19 < couf> absolutly 13:19 < iWolf> If it the store gets really popular the decisions can be re-evaluated then. 13:19 < iWolf> couf: thanks for the link though. 13:19 < ricky> But wow, that's looking really nice in general. 13:20 < iWolf> Okay, next up. 13:20 < iWolf> Look at fedora-fr.spreadshirt.net 13:21 < iWolf> I've poked around a bit, seems pretty typical of some of our other options. 13:21 < iWolf> So I am thinking shipping terms, international availability, etc will have a bigger factor in choosing a vendor. 13:21 < iWolf> Any thoughts? 13:22 < couf> if we can't get that: 1 per region? 13:22 < ricky> Was there an English version of that, by the way? 13:22 -!- nihed1 [n=ikanawa@] has quit Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) 13:22 < iWolf> couf: that may be what we end up with. 13:22 < couf> right 13:23 < iWolf> couf: I am hoping we can avoid too many simply from trying to avoid too much work for designers to upload work. 13:23 < iWolf> ricky: :) I didn't see one when I looked. I may have missed it! 13:24 < ricky> That's just a side note for that particular interface, though - I think spreadshirt has an English site. 13:24 < couf> nah it's french only 13:25 < couf> that is the fedora-fr part, spreadshirt supports most languages 13:25 < iWolf> Yeah, spreadshirt can do english sites as well. 13:25 < iWolf> Spreadshirt seemed nice, but if you set up a US store, they want to ship from that store Internationally. 13:25 < iWolf> Which kicks the shipping up. 13:25 < couf> bummer :-/ 13:26 < iWolf> I was hoping they could handle the multiple regions for us, since it seems they have locations in multiple places. 13:26 < Sparks> Setup different stores for each region? 13:26 < iWolf> I still need to follow-up with them though. I only received a canned reply back so far. 13:27 < iWolf> Sparks: I would like to find a vendor that can handle that for us, that way a designer only needs to upload artwork to one place and not 5 or 6 different stores. 13:27 < Sparks> True... 13:27 < iWolf> It may be that spreadshirt could tie multiple stores into one account for us. That's the part I need to follow up on. 13:28 < iWolf> We have our initial list of vendors here: 13:28 < iWolf> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Store/PotentialDistributors 13:28 < iWolf> Feel free to add Pros and COns up there for anyone you have worked with or from information you find on their site. 13:28 < iWolf> I may be overlooking an option. 13:29 < iWolf> Right now the front runners for me are spreadshirt and REVELinux, but I would like to see some more input on that. 13:29 < iWolf> And the last item is the proposed item list: 13:30 < tw2113> no complaint from me 13:30 < iWolf> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/SIGs/Store/ProposedItems 13:30 < iWolf> We have lots of items there. 13:31 < iWolf> So not much needs done there. The vendor we choose will dictate some of what we can sell. 13:31 < ricky> So the first thing on the list is to contact/decide on a vendor, right? 13:32 < ricky> It'd give us a much more solid basis to work on web stuff, etc. 13:32 < iWolf> Yeah, a vendor choice is needing to be made. 13:32 < iWolf> I think we just need to post a bit more info about some of them to make a decision from. 13:32 < iWolf> I have the email tw2113 forwarded from REVEL and I have some dialog with Spreadshirt. 13:33 < iWolf> ricky: do you think the mockup piece will need a definite vendor chosen? 13:33 < iWolf> ricky: or just the web work itself? 13:33 < ricky> It'd help to know some specifics, but that might be a question for the art team as well. 13:34 < iWolf> ricky: okay. 13:34 < tw2113> from what i remember, the purpose of our local frontend was just to direct traffic 13:34 < tw2113> if you're an ambassador, here are your links at such n such vendor 13:34 < tw2113> if you're a casual user, here are your links 13:34 < iWolf> tw2113: yep, though we want to showcase some of the goods as well, but primarly we just want direct people. 13:34 < iWolf> tw2113: yep, just like that. 13:35 < tw2113> wet their mouths! 13:35 < iWolf> :) 13:35 < tw2113> we want them licking their monitors while they click their link 13:35 < iWolf> Here is what I see the next major action items as. 13:35 < ricky> Heh. 13:35 * tw2113 cleans monitor 13:35 < iWolf> Solicit the Art Design team for help on a mock up. And determine the vendor. 13:35 < iWolf> LOL 13:37 < iWolf> If the Design team needs to know a specific vendor for the mockup, hopefully we can just get a helper with the mockup and get them that info as soon as we can. 13:37 < iWolf> For the vendor, I would like to see some more pros and cons put out on the wiki and then present it to the group and Max. 13:37 < iWolf> Thoughts? 13:40 < iWolf> Okay. We'll say that's a plan! If you disagree, feel free to ping me or post to the list. 13:40 < couf> +1 it's good 13:41 < iWolf> couf: Thanks! 13:41 < Sparks> Looks like a plan 13:41 < iWolf> Does anyone have anything else to add? 13:41 * couf needs to run 13:41 < iWolf> If not, we'll adjourn the meeting. 13:41 < couf> thanks iWolf for taking this up 13:41 < iWolf> No worries. 13:42 < iWolf> Thanks everyone for coming to the meeting. 13:42 < iWolf> It is much appreciated. 13:42 < tw2113> i had nothing 13:42 < iWolf> ======= Meeting Adjourned ======== 13:43 < iWolf> I will update the wiki and we can go from there. Thanks again!