Hi everyone,
A while back I'd written to the ambassadors list to collect some feedback on what marketing collateral would be most useful on a per release basis for use at events and so on. The information gathered is summarised here:
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/User:Ankursinha/Marketing_Collateral_Ide as
The idea is to decide on a set of collateral that can be used at events and at the same time generated every release without burdening any team too much - so that they can continue working on other release critical tasks.
Here's what I've come up with. I'd like to collect some feedback from the marketing team first, and then the design team, after which I can present the plan to the ambassadors.
== Target audience ==
1. Level 1 - Non Fedora users: This set of users do not use Fedora yet. They are not aware of the products that Fedora offers - editions + spins + labs. They may also not be aware of the free software philosophy, the foundations and so on.
2. Level 2 - Fedora end users: Fedora users that are not developers and admins. They care about what Fedora offers, but are not very interested in the lower level details on what changes a release brings and so on. They are concerned about higher level changes, such as changes to desktops, new tools, better upgrades, quicker boots and so on.
3. Level 3 - Advanced Fedora users: Fedora users that are developers, upstreams, system admins, and so on. They care about lower level changes - what's changed in systemd, yum/dnf and so on.
== Collateral ==
1. Timeless Fedora flyer:
This flyer would have a short summary of the different products Fedora offers - the three editions + labs + spins. It would also contain a summary of the Fedora mission statement - foundations, commitment to free software and so on.
The target audience of this flyer is level 1.
The current implementation idea is to request the design team to provide a design using scribus and I can follow that up with a scribus script that can populate the flyer from text provided in simple text files. This method will also ensure that we can have translations for the text making the flyer available to a wider audience. The marketing team can maintain a repository of translations and so on too.
2. Release details flyer or one page release notes:
The target audience for this is mainly levels 2 and 3.
This flyer/print will be about the newest release. It'll contain important changes - both high and low level. This will also aid ambassadors and community members. It'll pick up stuff from here:
I think a two sided "one page release notes" would be better than a flyer - it'll contain more info.
3. Goodies - pens, bracelets, shirts, stickers, badges, case badges and so on:
This can be used by all levels of the target audience.
I think event owners can decide what they'd like at the event and produce them. This doesn't require any work from other teams unless something needs to be updated and so on.
Work wise, it's not too much extra. We already do release notes and the flyers can come from there. The docs team also does beats and changes, so we can use stuff from there too.
So, what do you think? :)