On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 16:31, Robyn Bergeron rbergero@redhat.com wrote:
Helloooooooooo Marketing Fans,
So...... I will be the first to admit that I've been a little lax (okay, actually, super-lax) in the Marketing area lately. Some of this has just been my time, or lack thereof, especially when it comes to meetings and having them, and some of it is simply that nobody else is really insisting on meeting and getting things done and kicking me in the pants about it, either. :)
In the spirit of Getting Things Done, and more generally, having a bit more excitement around this joint, I'd like to get an idea for who's interested in getting the Marketing Train back on the tracks and up to speed. This means: meetings, being a bit more active in IRC, knocking out some of the release-time items, and most importantly, thinking about NEW THINGS we can do either around raising awareness, new things that new contributors can do, or just generally doing new things because doing the same stuff over and over and over is, let's face it, super boring.
In short, just two questions:
1: Who's interested in coming to marketing meetings again, and working on release-related activities?
2: Does anyone have any new and cool ideas in the marketing area that we can pick up and work on?
I'm here with my marketing defibrillators! Let's get it back together, folks. I'd like to just pick up with getting back at least on the meeting train next Tuesday, and we can adjust the time and whatnot if necessary as we go forward.
Other thoughts or comments are welcomed. Flames too. I'm expecting those. :)
You aren't asking us to change passwords too are you?
I am interested in what I can do.
marketing mailing list marketing@lists.fedoraproject.org https://admin.fedoraproject.org/mailman/listinfo/marketing