On 11/04/2015 04:31 PM, Justin W. Flory
One last thing I noticed before I headed off the bed - seems like
one of ryanlerch's articles from mid-2014 about copying over the
Fedora ISOs to a USB drive for install has had a surge in
popularity today. Might it be a good idea to do a touchup and bump
it back to the top of the Magazine for this week? Seems like it's
a valuable article that could help bring in some more attention.
Thanks again.
Yeah, i think this one could definitely do with a refresh, and a
repost. There is also one by paul that covers the same topic, but in
screencast form.
The stats bump is probably because the What's new in Workstation
post has a link to the older USB article at the bottom. This is also
interesting, because it is right at the bottom, so at least a few
people are reading the whole post :)