As I will be unable to attend FUDcon this time around, I would like to have a brief Store SIG meeting this Wednesday (1/9) at our normally scheduled time, 18:00 UTC in #fedora-mktg. We will cover the open action items listed on the SIG page:
We are still looking for a volunteer for a mock up of the page. If you are interested, please stop by the meeting or email the list and we can answer any questions you may have.
Thanks! Jeffrey
Not sure if I'll be around at all to participate, due to apartment hunting away from my current location. I can forward any info I have on RELinux right now if needed.
Jeffrey Tadlock wrote:
As I will be unable to attend FUDcon this time around, I would like to have a brief Store SIG meeting this Wednesday (1/9) at our normally scheduled time, 18:00 UTC in #fedora-mktg. We will cover the open action items listed on the SIG page:
We are still looking for a volunteer for a mock up of the page. If you are interested, please stop by the meeting or email the list and we can answer any questions you may have.
Thanks! Jeffrey
On Jan 7, 2008 11:58 PM, Michael Beckwith wrote:
Not sure if I'll be around at all to participate, due to apartment hunting away from my current location. I can forward any info I have on RELinux right now if needed.
No worries! If you can forward the info that would be great. I will try to add more notes to the wiki so people can view and help determine a store front to go with.
Thanks! Jeffrey
12:57 < iWolf> Store SIG meeting in 3 minutes. 12:58 -!- Karlik [n=Karlik@fedora/Karlik] has joined #fedora-mktg 13:00 < iWolf> Okay. Who is here for the Store SIG meeting? 13:02 < tw2113> thought it was friday 13:02 -!- bpepple|lt [n=bpepple|] has quit "Ex-Chat" 13:02 < iWolf> tw2113: nope, Wednesday. Unless I mess up typing it somewhere... :) 13:03 < tw2113> no, i messed up 13:03 < tw2113> i had friday on the brain 13:03 < tw2113> i'll be around then 13:03 < iWolf> You're Michael? 13:03 < tw2113> yeah 13:03 < iWolf> I will give it till about 5 after and then go over the list of things. See if we get anyone else here. 13:03 < iWolf> Thanks for the email, that helped answer some questions about REVELinux. 13:04 * Sparks is in the background 13:04 < tw2113> ;) 13:04 * iWolf nods 13:04 -!- nihed2 [n=ikanawa@] has joined #fedora-mktg 13:05 * ricky is here. 13:05 < iWolf> Okay, lets get started, even if it is a small crowd. 13:05 -!- tux_440volt [n=subhodip@] has quit Remote closed the connection 13:05 < iWolf> First up is the mockup and general requirements portion. 13:06 < iWolf> I have a list of general requirements here: 13:06 < iWolf> I am still looking for someone to help with the mockup. My skills in that arena are minimal. 13:06 < iWolf> I think the requirements page covers most of what we have talked about in the past. 13:07 < ricky> Perhaps we can take a look at 13:07 < ricky> (And once we get a mockup, bring it up on fedora-websites-list) 13:07 < iWolf> I think that's my next place to solicit. 13:08 < iWolf> I will submit our proposal to them and see if we get some help from that end. 13:09 < iWolf> If no one else has something to add, we can move to the next item. 13:09 < iWolf> - a more in-depth chat with REVELinux. 13:09 < ricky> The main thing is to make the purpose of the site very clear- that last email was useful. 13:09 < tw2113> if someone wants to pick that up, they have my blessing 13:10 < iWolf> tw2113: forewarded me an email dialog, I plan on parsing that and I will add more info to the Potential Distributors page. 13:10 < tw2113> i know Max wanted to be in on it 13:10 < iWolf> ricky: in regards to the Artwork DesignService? 13:11 < ricky> iWolf: For getting started with website stuff in general. 13:11 < iWolf> tw2113: I plan on getting some of the facts together and running them by Max before we go anywhere, just hoping to take some of the legwork off his plate. 13:11 < iWolf> ricky: cool, they look a good option to start with. 13:12 < iWolf> I can dig into it a bit more with REVELinux. 13:12 < tw2113> yeah, i'm sure he's quite busy 13:12 < iWolf> Next up, the bulk items for Ambassadors. 13:12 < iWolf> We have that page started in the wiki: 13:13 < iWolf> It's open for people to add vendors too and will be the basis for bulk orders I think - unless our chosen vendor can price things really well for bulk. 13:13 < iWolf> We just need to get some more folks to add distributors. 13:13 < iWolf> Anything to add on this item? 13:14 < ricky> Has anybody posted to fedora-ambassadors-list about this yet? 13:14 < ricky> I don't remember catching anything about that, but it could just be me. 13:14 < Sparks> Should there be sort of agreement between Fedora and the supplier? 13:14 < iWolf> ricky: I think my last email was sent to marketing list, you are right, I should have sent it straight to the Ambassador list as well. 13:15 < Sparks> ricky: I remember something coming across the list a while back...Nothing lately. 13:15 < iWolf> ricky: I sent an email regarding the Ambasador Vendor page to the Ambassador list on 1/6 13:16 < iWolf> My other emails so far have been to the marketing list. 13:16 * couf puts link in: (seems to be pretty good platform to start off) 13:16 < iWolf> couf: Thanks! 13:16 < ricky> Oh, I see it - my mistake. 13:16 < iWolf> couf: feel free to add any pros and cons that may be associated with it. 13:17 < iWolf> ricky: no worries! 13:17 < couf> iWolf: need to test it myself, but will do 13:17 < ricky> couf: I didn't think we wanted to handle the eCommerce-type stuff ourself. 13:17 < iWolf> Sparks: as for an agreement, I don't think there will be one more than choosing a vendor to work through and signing up. 13:18 < couf> ricky: it can work as a frontend as well, or so I read somewhere (can't find the page though) 13:18 < ricky> (I was hoping that the vendor site would handle the card/payments, merchandise, etc.) 13:18 < ricky> I'm guessing that Infrastructure would lean towards generated static pages or such as well. 13:18 < iWolf> Yeah, I would error towards simplicity. 13:18 < couf> sure, just putting a pointer :-) 13:19 < iWolf> Let the vendor site handle the harder stuff to keep from overburdening the infrastructure team. 13:19 < couf> absolutly 13:19 < iWolf> If it the store gets really popular the decisions can be re-evaluated then. 13:19 < iWolf> couf: thanks for the link though. 13:19 < ricky> But wow, that's looking really nice in general. 13:20 < iWolf> Okay, next up. 13:20 < iWolf> Look at 13:21 < iWolf> I've poked around a bit, seems pretty typical of some of our other options. 13:21 < iWolf> So I am thinking shipping terms, international availability, etc will have a bigger factor in choosing a vendor. 13:21 < iWolf> Any thoughts? 13:22 < couf> if we can't get that: 1 per region? 13:22 < ricky> Was there an English version of that, by the way? 13:22 -!- nihed1 [n=ikanawa@] has quit Read error: 110 (Connection timed out) 13:22 < iWolf> couf: that may be what we end up with. 13:22 < couf> right 13:23 < iWolf> couf: I am hoping we can avoid too many simply from trying to avoid too much work for designers to upload work. 13:23 < iWolf> ricky: :) I didn't see one when I looked. I may have missed it! 13:24 < ricky> That's just a side note for that particular interface, though - I think spreadshirt has an English site. 13:24 < couf> nah it's french only 13:25 < couf> that is the fedora-fr part, spreadshirt supports most languages 13:25 < iWolf> Yeah, spreadshirt can do english sites as well. 13:25 < iWolf> Spreadshirt seemed nice, but if you set up a US store, they want to ship from that store Internationally. 13:25 < iWolf> Which kicks the shipping up. 13:25 < couf> bummer :-/ 13:26 < iWolf> I was hoping they could handle the multiple regions for us, since it seems they have locations in multiple places. 13:26 < Sparks> Setup different stores for each region? 13:26 < iWolf> I still need to follow-up with them though. I only received a canned reply back so far. 13:27 < iWolf> Sparks: I would like to find a vendor that can handle that for us, that way a designer only needs to upload artwork to one place and not 5 or 6 different stores. 13:27 < Sparks> True... 13:27 < iWolf> It may be that spreadshirt could tie multiple stores into one account for us. That's the part I need to follow up on. 13:28 < iWolf> We have our initial list of vendors here: 13:28 < iWolf> 13:28 < iWolf> Feel free to add Pros and COns up there for anyone you have worked with or from information you find on their site. 13:28 < iWolf> I may be overlooking an option. 13:29 < iWolf> Right now the front runners for me are spreadshirt and REVELinux, but I would like to see some more input on that. 13:29 < iWolf> And the last item is the proposed item list: 13:30 < tw2113> no complaint from me 13:30 < iWolf> 13:30 < iWolf> We have lots of items there. 13:31 < iWolf> So not much needs done there. The vendor we choose will dictate some of what we can sell. 13:31 < ricky> So the first thing on the list is to contact/decide on a vendor, right? 13:32 < ricky> It'd give us a much more solid basis to work on web stuff, etc. 13:32 < iWolf> Yeah, a vendor choice is needing to be made. 13:32 < iWolf> I think we just need to post a bit more info about some of them to make a decision from. 13:32 < iWolf> I have the email tw2113 forwarded from REVEL and I have some dialog with Spreadshirt. 13:33 < iWolf> ricky: do you think the mockup piece will need a definite vendor chosen? 13:33 < iWolf> ricky: or just the web work itself? 13:33 < ricky> It'd help to know some specifics, but that might be a question for the art team as well. 13:34 < iWolf> ricky: okay. 13:34 < tw2113> from what i remember, the purpose of our local frontend was just to direct traffic 13:34 < tw2113> if you're an ambassador, here are your links at such n such vendor 13:34 < tw2113> if you're a casual user, here are your links 13:34 < iWolf> tw2113: yep, though we want to showcase some of the goods as well, but primarly we just want direct people. 13:34 < iWolf> tw2113: yep, just like that. 13:35 < tw2113> wet their mouths! 13:35 < iWolf> :) 13:35 < tw2113> we want them licking their monitors while they click their link 13:35 < iWolf> Here is what I see the next major action items as. 13:35 < ricky> Heh. 13:35 * tw2113 cleans monitor 13:35 < iWolf> Solicit the Art Design team for help on a mock up. And determine the vendor. 13:35 < iWolf> LOL 13:37 < iWolf> If the Design team needs to know a specific vendor for the mockup, hopefully we can just get a helper with the mockup and get them that info as soon as we can. 13:37 < iWolf> For the vendor, I would like to see some more pros and cons put out on the wiki and then present it to the group and Max. 13:37 < iWolf> Thoughts? 13:40 < iWolf> Okay. We'll say that's a plan! If you disagree, feel free to ping me or post to the list. 13:40 < couf> +1 it's good 13:41 < iWolf> couf: Thanks! 13:41 < Sparks> Looks like a plan 13:41 < iWolf> Does anyone have anything else to add? 13:41 * couf needs to run 13:41 < iWolf> If not, we'll adjourn the meeting. 13:41 < couf> thanks iWolf for taking this up 13:41 < iWolf> No worries. 13:42 < iWolf> Thanks everyone for coming to the meeting. 13:42 < iWolf> It is much appreciated. 13:42 < tw2113> i had nothing 13:42 < iWolf> ======= Meeting Adjourned ======== 13:43 < iWolf> I will update the wiki and we can go from there. Thanks again!