Short version: this week's meeting will be a "Daylight Savings Time Is Weird" meeting; you can either come at 20:00 UTC or 21:00 UTC (for me, that's 3pm EST and 4pm EST) and there will be a Marketing meeting at the start of both hours and a worksprint on release deliverables for the remainder of that hour.
Going forward, we'll stick with 20:00 UTC regardless of daylight savings time, so US folks such as myself who are affected by DST, that's 3pm now. Holler with any time conflicts - when we sit down to plan for F13, we'll also do a quick check to see if we need to recalibrate our meeting time.
19:07:41 * mchua looks to see if the meeting announcement actually went out 19:08:38 < mchua> ...oh gah! My script timed out because I stopped it right before daylight savings! 19:10:34 < mchua> ...wait, zodbot and daylight savings... 19:10:54 < mchua> ...don't match. 19:11:09 * mchua checks to see what I said last night on the mailing list 19:12:20 < mchua> Apparently I sent conflicting time info on the mailing list. 19:12:33 < mchua> Lovely. 19:13:48 < mchua> Ok. What I'm going to do is since we've already got a late meeting time for Europe, and zodbot isn't affected by DST, I'm going to make our meeting time unaffected by DST. 19:14:00 < mchua> I'm going to resign myself to doing two 1-hour meetings today (mostly worksprints) to catch everyone. 19:14:18 < mchua> And I'm going to update the meetings page and the mailing list with that right now.
On Tue, Nov 03, 2009 at 02:22:08PM -0500, Mel Chua wrote:
Short version: this week's meeting will be a "Daylight Savings Time Is Weird" meeting; you can either come at 20:00 UTC or 21:00 UTC (for me, that's 3pm EST and 4pm EST) and there will be a Marketing meeting at the start of both hours and a worksprint on release deliverables for the remainder of that hour.
Going forward, we'll stick with 20:00 UTC regardless of daylight savings time, so US folks such as myself who are affected by DST, that's 3pm now. Holler with any time conflicts - when we sit down to plan for F13, we'll also do a quick check to see if we need to recalibrate our meeting time.
19:07:41 * mchua looks to see if the meeting announcement actually went out 19:08:38 < mchua> ...oh gah! My script timed out because I stopped it right before daylight savings! 19:10:34 < mchua> ...wait, zodbot and daylight savings... 19:10:54 < mchua> ...don't match. 19:11:09 * mchua checks to see what I said last night on the mailing list 19:12:20 < mchua> Apparently I sent conflicting time info on the mailing list. 19:12:33 < mchua> Lovely. 19:13:48 < mchua> Ok. What I'm going to do is since we've already got a late meeting time for Europe, and zodbot isn't affected by DST, I'm going to make our meeting time unaffected by DST. 19:14:00 < mchua> I'm going to resign myself to doing two 1-hour meetings today (mostly worksprints) to catch everyone. 19:14:18 < mchua> And I'm going to update the meetings page and the mailing list with that right now.
I'll be there for the 3pm EST; I have an appointment at 4:30pm so I may not be able to stay all 2 hours.