Hi, as a result of our discussion in the ambassadors mailing list, I've produced 220 t-shirts with F19 Schrödinger's Cat that should be distributed as a "thank you" gift among people who have contributed to Fedora 19 release.
The t-shirts are currently stored in our office and I'm able to distribute them, but I'm looking for volunteers who would work with Fedora teams and spins to set a criteria for getting one or identify people who should get one.
All I need is a list of people with addresses and their sizes. Unfortunately, I don't have time to do it myself.
I still would like to give one to release event owners. There are 16 registered release parties so far. So we still have over 200 t-shirts available. I've already spoken with the QA team, designers, and KDE guys about it, but as I said I really don't have time to spin it off in the size it needs.