Truong Anh. Tuan píše v Út 18. 06. 2013 v 12:57 +0700:
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jiri Eischmann" To: Cc: Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 11:09:53 PM Subject: [Ambassadors] T-shirts for F19 contributors - volunteers wanted
Hi, as a result of our discussion in the ambassadors mailing list, I've produced 220 t-shirts with F19 Schrödinger's Cat that should be distributed as a "thank you" gift among people who have contributed to Fedora 19 release.
Cool. It finally happened.
I still would like to give one to release event owners. There are 16 registered release parties so far. So we still have over 200 t-shirts available. I've already spoken with the QA team, designers, and KDE guys about it, but as I said I really don't have time to spin it off in the size it needs.
Just for clear: we have only one T-shirt for each release event, right? I mean, sometimes, there are several Fedorians to work together to organize an event. Any chances to get 2 or even 3 for all of them?
Well, if we have t-shirts left, then we can send more for one release party. But I think other teams should get the opportunity to reward their contributors before we give more to ambassadors.
BTW there must have been some misunderstanding because I've received several private emails asking for t-shirts and providing addresses. I was not asking for that. I was asking for volunteers who would work with other teams in Fedora to set some criteria and identify people, who will get one of those t-shirts, and collect their addresses. So far, there has been only one criteria set: who organizes a registered release party will get a t-shirt. Until someone steps into it and do the job, it doesn't make sense to send me any addresses. As I said, I don't have time to collect them individually.