Hey all,
Just peeked at the stats for Fedora Magazine today, and wanted to give a big shout out to everybody for kicking it extra-hard this week.
The magazine has been doing pretty well lately in general, with ~2K to ~3K page views on average.
Today and yesterday, though, things have been blown out of the water.
Yesterday we were >just< shy of 10K page views. Today, we're closing in on 19K and may very well hit 20K.
Big, big thanks to Ryan and Matthew for their work on the Shellshock posts. Note that a lot of the traffic is coming from Google/search and much of it seems to be people pulling up the site directly (vs. social media or links from Reddit, etc.).
Also, though - big thanks to everybody who's been posting regularly. The regular content is making a big difference.
I'm sure this will die down a bit after Shellshock does, but we've got some great momentum. Let's keep it up!
Have a great weekend all!
On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 05:19:14PM -0500, Joe Brockmeier wrote:
I'm sure this will die down a bit after Shellshock does, but we've got some great momentum. Let's keep it up!
Seconded -- this is awesome. This month more than doubled the previous record (set just last month).
It also makes me want to prioritize Ryan's work on a theme with a "related content" module — this how the buzzfeeds and huffpos of the world catch you. A lot of people are coming in directly to the shellshock articles and it'd be nice to get them to look around.
I agree with Matthew, looking at the numbers we are getting a lot of traffic which is really awesome! If we had a way to somehow drive visitors to say oh wow that looks interesting I want to bookmark this site, or sign up to see when articles are published, I think this would a. drive even more traffic as people will blog, tweet, fb about the site. b. Get more contributors rather it be for writing articles or even for the Fedora project in general.
Does anyone know of any good plugins that do this, or are we able to make this part of the theme? I will start to look for plugins then share them with the list and if they get acked then we can put them in staging.
- Chris Roberts
----- Original Message ----- From: "Matthew Miller" mattdm@fedoraproject.org To: jzb@redhat.com, "Fedora Marketing team" marketing@lists.fedoraproject.org Sent: Tuesday, September 30, 2014 6:21:58 PM Subject: Re: Amazing numbers on Fedora Magazine!
On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 05:19:14PM -0500, Joe Brockmeier wrote:
I'm sure this will die down a bit after Shellshock does, but we've got some great momentum. Let's keep it up!
Seconded -- this is awesome. This month more than doubled the previous record (set just last month).
It also makes me want to prioritize Ryan's work on a theme with a "related content" module — this how the buzzfeeds and huffpos of the world catch you. A lot of people are coming in directly to the shellshock articles and it'd be nice to get them to look around.