*At tonight's FAmNA meeting[1] the NA Ambassadors will be discussing next year's event schedule and the possibility of expanding outreach activities to conferences/events where the audience may not be familiar with Fedora's capabilities in their area of interest.
Are there conferences or events in any of following categories that you think Fedora should consider attending, sending swag to, sponsoring, holding activities at, just keeping on our radar, etc.?
DIY, Makers, Robotics ARM, alternative devices, multitouch surfaces DevOps SysAdmins Cloud UX, UI Developer platforms (Python, Ruby, JVM, Clojure, Web, etc) Example: JavaOne http://www.oracle.com/javaone/index.html Data and Data Distribution Virtualization Methodologies (Agile, TDD) Example: Agile2013 http://agile2013.agilealliance.org/ Community Organization, Processes, and Management Government Enterprise Education Documentation Example: Open Help Conf http://openhelpconference.com/ Project Management Security Game Development, Culture Other
During 2012, NA Events included regional LinuxFests (SELF, SCALE), open source conferences (Oscon), and a few subject-specific events such as PuppetConf and the World Maker Faire. To see all of the conferences NA Fedora Ambassadors attended this year, review https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Events?rd=FedoraEvents
Corresponding ticket: https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/47
[1] Next FAmNA meeting: Tuesday, December 11, 2012 at 9:00 pm EST in #fedora-meeting* * * Cheers,
Sarah White
At last week's FAmNA meeting, the following events and/or event ideas were suggested:
1. Fedora at ComicCons
- kk4ewt has been doing Fedora demos at a couple of Sci-fi cons
2. Would fedora be popular at hamfests?
- Get a booth at Dayton Hamvention? [1]
3. Fedora at FreedomFest [2]
- FreedomFest would also not be a booth event, more selling/promoting open source/fedora in a community that appreciates our values and work already
4. Fedora at Velocity [3]
5. Fedora at DevOpsDays [4]
6. Fedora at Ignite [5] Opinions? Additional recommendations?
[1] http://www.hamvention.org/ [2] http://freedomfest.com/ [3] http://velocityconf.com/velocity2012 [4] http://devopsdays.org/ [5] http://igniteshow.com/
On Tue, Dec 11, 2012 at 9:47 AM, Sarah White graphitefriction@gmail.comwrote:
Are there conferences or events in any of following categories that you think Fedora should consider attending, sending swag to, sponsoring, holding activities at, just keeping on our radar, etc.?
DIY, Makers, Robotics ARM, alternative devices, multitouch surfaces DevOps SysAdmins Cloud UX, UI Developer platforms (Python, Ruby, JVM, Clojure, Web, etc) Example: JavaOne http://www.oracle.com/javaone/index.html Data and Data Distribution Virtualization Methodologies (Agile, TDD) Example: Agile2013 http://agile2013.agilealliance.org/ Community Organization, Processes, and Management Government Enterprise Education Documentation Example: Open Help Conf http://openhelpconference.com/ Project Management Security Game Development, Culture Other
Corresponding ticket: https://fedorahosted.org/famna/ticket/47