Since we have multiple meetings and sprints going on today, links to these specific logs are below, along with abbreviated meeting minutes. The second meeting is going be starting in #fedora-meeting shortly for those folks who couldn't make the first one due to Daylight Savings Time. 20:37:21 < zodbot> Minutes (text): 20:37:22 < zodbot> Log:
# roll call (mchua, 20:03:04) # F12 deliverables status (mchua, 20:10:11)
1. (mchua, 20:10:20) 2. Talking points DONE (mchua, 20:11:51) 3. Release slogan DONE (mchua, 20:11:56) 4. (mchua, 20:12:10) 5. (mchua, 20:13:00) 6. ACTION: finish one-page release notes, (mchua, 20:13:21) 7. one page release notes IN PROGRESS (sprint today) (mchua, 20:14:21) 8. ACTION: Screenshots: create a list of needed screenshots from the rest of the deliverables (mchua, 20:15:37) 9. ACTION: Screenshots: take screenshots, insert into requested places in deliverables, notify other deliverable owners (mchua, 20:15:52) 10. Screenshots IN PROGRESS (sprint today) (mchua, 20:16:09) 11. (mchua, 20:17:08) 12. ACTION: Feature profiles: rbergeron to finish desktop interview with screenshots (mchua, 20:18:34) 13. ACTION: Feature profiles: mchua to edit virt interviews (mchua, 20:18:45) 14. Feature profiles IN PROGRESS (sprint today) (mchua, 20:18:55) 15. Briefing ambassadors IN PROGRESS (sprint today) (mchua, 20:22:33) 16. ACTION: Briefing Ambassadors: nb to make a game plan and execute (mchua, 20:22:44) 17. (stickster, 20:23:42) 18. (mchua, 20:29:02) 19. monitoring PR/news from the release NOT TAKEN (mchua, 20:31:44) 20. Tour page NOT TAKEN (mchua, 20:31:48) 21. ACTION: stickster check with herlo about taking on the Tour Page for f12 (mchua, 20:38:32) 22. ACTION: mchua check with moixs about doing NDN for F12 again (mchua, 20:38:44)
On 11/03/2009 04:01 PM, Mel Chua wrote:
Since we have multiple meetings and sprints going on today, links to these specific logs are below, along with abbreviated meeting minutes. The second meeting is going be starting in #fedora-meeting shortly for those folks who couldn't make the first one due to Daylight Savings Time.
Update: Seems like everyone came to the first meeting today, so we won't have a second one. :) Sprinting in #fedora-mktg for the next 50 min (and beyond, if people want to stay longer!)
Current sprints:
* nb on briefing Ambassadors * asamaras on and * rbergeron on * mchua on