The Red Hat Summit planning group is going to have an extra sign made up for Fedora featuring some quotations from the excellent press coverage we've been getting. Kara is working on pulling some quotes for this purpose.
I think mizmo reads this list, but if not I've cc'd the Artwork list. Mo, would the Artwork project be able to help us with a simple design for a sign?
I've already alerted the Summit folks that we need to know:
1. file format required 2. size target for the sign 3. any other requirements from the signage producers
I hope to have the quotes ready on Thursday morning. Would you guys be able to produce something by, say, Friday morning?
I apologize for the short deadline. The opportunity came up quickly so I tried to seize it. :-)
Paul W. Frields wrote:
The Red Hat Summit planning group is going to have an extra sign made up for Fedora featuring some quotations from the excellent press coverage we've been getting. Kara is working on pulling some quotes for this purpose.
I think mizmo reads this list, but if not I've cc'd the Artwork list. Mo, would the Artwork project be able to help us with a simple design for a sign?
I've already alerted the Summit folks that we need to know:
- file format required
- size target for the sign
- any other requirements from the signage producers
I hope to have the quotes ready on Thursday morning. Would you guys be able to produce something by, say, Friday morning?
Sure :)
Hey peeps,
Paul W. Frields wrote:
The Red Hat Summit planning group is going to have an extra sign made up for Fedora featuring some quotations from the excellent press coverage we've been getting. Kara is working on pulling some quotes for this purpose.
So here's an update to keep you all in the loop:
- We're going to need 4 sign designs for FUDcon: -- 1 large quote sign, 44x56 inches (quotes below) -- 3 conference room signs, 22x28 inches: --- FUDCon Boston 2008 logo + Text: "Hackfest" --- FUDCon Boston 2008 logo + Text: "Presentations / Hackfest" --- FUDCon Boston 2008 logo + Text: "Lounge"
The file/format requirements are as follows: - Full quarter inch bleed - CMYK color (need scribus!) - EPS (need scribus!)
My workflow is probably going to be to do NO ALPHA GRADIENT artwork in Inkscape (Scribus doesn't like alpha gradients :-p), and keep the text and fills/gradients for the BG in Scribus. Because our deadline is tight on this I'm starting work NOW; I'll be in #fedora-art and likely will be posting works in progress there so if you're interested in helping out you're welcome to join in. :)
On Thu, May 15, 2008 at 11:13:51AM -0400, Máirín Duffy wrote:
- We're going to need 4 sign designs for FUDcon:
-- 1 large quote sign, 44x56 inches (quotes below) -- 3 conference room signs, 22x28 inches: --- FUDCon Boston 2008 logo + Text: "Hackfest" --- FUDCon Boston 2008 logo + Text: "Presentations / Hackfest" --- FUDCon Boston 2008 logo + Text: "Lounge"
This is not at all vital, but it would also be nice to have some sort of "Welcome to FUDPub" poster design to greet people at the pub like we did last year.
I have an HP Designjet 4000ps here, so I could take care of printing this one myself, if someone else can provide their artistic design talents. :) It would need to be designed for 42"xN", where N is whatever makes the proportions look right.
Let me know if anyone feels like tackling this. If there's not time, no big deal.
cheers, - Paul
Hi folks,
Paul W. Frields wrote:
The Red Hat Summit planning group is going to have an extra sign made up for Fedora featuring some quotations from the excellent press coverage we've been getting. Kara is working on pulling some quotes for this purpose.
So here's another update. I got all the designs that were due today done. Here are the ones to label the conference rooms:
- preview:
- source:
- printer-ready:
And here's the large quote poster:
- preview:
- source:
I'm working on a sign for FUDpub now. (Paul Staffer's suggestion - good idea!) I figure we can print those full color on letter paper (or maybe I can get some thicker stuff that'll go thru the printers here) so we can have a lot of them.
Some lessons learned from this project:
- Scribus 1.3.4 in Fedora is suboptimal. Bleeds and eps/pdf transparency don't work in this version. mrdoc from #scribus on freenode has a Fedora repo that will let you install Scribus 1.3.5 which is much better:
- Apparently (I'm not 100% sure on this but I sure couldn't get it to work) EPS does not support transparency. At all. So I ended up using PDF 1.4 for the printer-ready artwork. Hopefully they'll be okay with that.
- Rendering bitmaps that are 56" x 48" from inkscape is DAMN SLOW. Also, it won't work at 300 dpi. I ended up doing 150 dpi. If I had the time, I would have 'tiled' the renders meaning I could have broken the image out into 4 chunks and rendered each individually at 300 dpi and stitched them together later. I didn't have the time though (and seeing how slowly working with the full 150dpi render in gimp on a machine with 2GB RAM, I'm not sure stitching together the 300 dpi tiles would have been very easy!) So I had the 150 dpi image render overnight. I used the inkscape command line to do this too so I knew it was still working. So if you need to do large-scale artwork like this and you want it to be blingy past Scribus' SVG capabilities, make sure you have at least one overnight to get renders done.
- Workflow & Colors: I'm not sure if the colors will come out right but we'll see. For the conference room signs, pretty much all the design work is done in Scribus, so I set the Fedora CMYK values in the color palette in the document. When I imported the FUDcon logo SVG artwork, Scribus lets you replace colors so I replaced the RGB colors with the correct CMYK colors. That was easy. The quotes poster's artwork is a lot more complicated and there is NO WAY scribus can import the SVG for that artwork, so I rendered it to bitmap and imported it into scribus, and set the documents target to be 'for printer' rather than 'for web/screen' and also set it to use color management. We'll see how it comes out!
Máirín Duffy wrote:
And here's the large quote poster:
I forgot to post the printer-ready file for this:
On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 11:04:17AM -0400, Máirín Duffy wrote:
I'm working on a sign for FUDpub now. (Paul Staffer's suggestion - good idea!) I figure we can print those full color on letter paper (or maybe I can get some thicker stuff that'll go thru the printers here) so we can have a lot of them.
Cool, thanks. Just to clarify, are you talking about US Letter sized fliers / handouts? What I was suggesting was a large poster to greet people at the pub itself, so we'd really only need one of them.
cheers, - Paul
On Fri, 2008-05-16 at 11:37 -0400, Paul Stauffer wrote:
On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 11:04:17AM -0400, Máirín Duffy wrote:
I'm working on a sign for FUDpub now. (Paul Staffer's suggestion - good idea!) I figure we can print those full color on letter paper (or maybe I can get some thicker stuff that'll go thru the printers here) so we can have a lot of them.
Cool, thanks. Just to clarify, are you talking about US Letter sized fliers / handouts? What I was suggesting was a large poster to greet people at the pub itself, so we'd really only need one of them.
Right, we might be able to reuse some of the old design from 2007. We'll need FUDPub fliers for directions, but that's really not much of an artwork concern I'd guess.
On Fri, 2008-05-16 at 23:58 +0000, Paul W. Frields wrote:
On Fri, 2008-05-16 at 11:37 -0400, Paul Stauffer wrote:
On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 11:04:17AM -0400, Máirín Duffy wrote:
I'm working on a sign for FUDpub now. (Paul Staffer's suggestion - good idea!) I figure we can print those full color on letter paper (or maybe I can get some thicker stuff that'll go thru the printers here) so we can have a lot of them.
Cool, thanks. Just to clarify, are you talking about US Letter sized fliers / handouts? What I was suggesting was a large poster to greet people at the pub itself, so we'd really only need one of them.
Right, we might be able to reuse some of the old design from 2007. We'll need FUDPub fliers for directions, but that's really not much of an artwork concern I'd guess.
Any update on this sign? If I remember correctly, Paul S. may have a place to print a poster if we can get him the artwork.
And do we have a map available we could add to a smaller handout flier on US letter sized paper?