Minutes: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2015-09-24/magazine.2015-09-... Minutes (text): http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2015-09-24/magazine.2015-09-... Log: http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2015-09-24/magazine.2015-09-...
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================================ #fedora-meeting: Fedora Magazine ================================
Meeting started by stickster at 21:00:13 UTC. The full logs are available at http://meetbot.fedoraproject.org/fedora-meeting/2015-09-24/magazine.2015-09-... .
Meeting summary --------------- * Roll call (stickster, 21:00:19)
* Review of the week (stickster, 21:03:09) * Biggest story: Obviously the F23 Beta article. But one of our best days in a very long time (stickster, 21:03:50) * IDEA: What do we do about the anitya post still waiting? (stickster, 21:04:38) * AGREED: Publish anitya article Tuesday 2015-Sep-29 (stickster, 21:09:32)
* Agenda (stickster, 21:09:51) * LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Magazine/Editorial_meetings (stickster, 21:09:58) * just a reminder, with links (stickster, 21:10:07)
* Pitch votes (stickster, 21:10:11) * LINK: http://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=pitch&orderby=da... (stickster, 21:10:21) * systemd series -- stickster added a number of article ideas and links, per last meeting action items (stickster, 21:11:02) * LINK: http://fedoramagazine.org/?p=9227&preview=true (stickster, 21:11:07) * AGREED: ready to break up into a series... we can always add more later in the series (stickster, 21:21:14) * ACTION: stickster Break systemd article into separate pitches to be assigned next week (stickster, 21:21:35) * Record and stream your desktop using OBS (stickster, 21:22:00) * LINK: http://fedoramagazine.org/?p=10056&preview=true (stickster, 21:22:03) * LINK: https://github.com/jp9000/obs-studio/wiki/Install-Instructions has the sad truth :-( (stickster, 21:26:39) * AGREED: rejecting this pitch regretfully (stickster, 21:27:04) * Run a Minecraft server with Spigot (stickster, 21:27:29) * LINK: http://fedoramagazine.org/?p=10060&preview=true (stickster, 21:27:32) * AGREED: This pitch goes to draft (stickster, 21:31:13) * ACTION: ryanlerch move minecraft/spigot post to draft (stickster, 21:31:53) * i18n update and zanata migration feedback (stickster, 21:32:13) * LINK: http://fedoramagazine.org/?p=10117&preview=true (stickster, 21:32:21) * AGREED: Pass on the i18n article (stickster, 21:37:39) * ACTION: ryanlerch trash pitch and follow up with author ASAP on alternatives (stickster, 21:37:59) * Celebrating Software Freedom Day 2015 (stickster, 21:38:29) * LINK: http://fedoramagazine.org/?p=10153&preview=true (stickster, 21:38:31) * AGREED: Move this to draft (stickster, 21:40:31) * ACTION: stickster Move SFD 2015 post to draft (stickster, 21:40:37)
* Drafts unfinished (stickster, 21:41:02) * LINK: http://fedoramagazine.org/wp-admin/edit.php?post_status=draft&post_type=... (stickster, 21:41:04) * Eclipse 'mars' post (stickster, 21:41:16) * LINK: http://fedoramagazine.org/?p=9851&preview=true (stickster, 21:41:22) * Give this another week, then we'll reconsider dropping for the time being (stickster, 21:44:06) * Work sprints on Workstation (stickster, 21:44:22) * LINK: http://fedoramagazine.org/?p=9991&preview=true (stickster, 21:44:24) * roshi will edit (stickster, 21:47:17) * ACTION: stickster finish draft by Thu 2015-Oct-01, alert roshi for editing, do graphic for ryanlerch review (stickster, 21:48:05) * LINK: http://fedoramagazine.org/tracking-your-time-and-tasks-on-fedora/ (ryanlerch, 21:48:07) * using systemd in Fedora (stickster, 21:48:58) * LINK: http://fedoramagazine.org/?p=10001&preview=true (stickster, 21:49:03) * ACTION: ryanlerch edit systemd intro article & do a better graphic (stickster, 21:55:48) * ACTION: roshi provide technical edit help for systemd intro article (stickster, 21:55:56) * ACTION: ryanlerch publish Wednesday 2015-Sep-30 (stickster, 21:58:18) * Stellarium article -- still waiting for draft (stickster, 21:58:36) * LINK: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/September_2015_lunar_eclipse (decause, 22:00:14) * ACTION: ryanlerch take over stellarium article (stickster, 22:02:29)
Meeting ended at 22:03:41 UTC.
Action Items ------------ * stickster Break systemd article into separate pitches to be assigned next week * ryanlerch move minecraft/spigot post to draft * ryanlerch trash pitch and follow up with author ASAP on alternatives * stickster Move SFD 2015 post to draft * stickster finish draft by Thu 2015-Oct-01, alert roshi for editing, do graphic for ryanlerch review * ryanlerch edit systemd intro article & do a better graphic * roshi provide technical edit help for systemd intro article * ryanlerch publish Wednesday 2015-Sep-30 * ryanlerch take over stellarium article
Action Items, by person ----------------------- * roshi * stickster finish draft by Thu 2015-Oct-01, alert roshi for editing, do graphic for ryanlerch review * roshi provide technical edit help for systemd intro article * ryanlerch * ryanlerch move minecraft/spigot post to draft * ryanlerch trash pitch and follow up with author ASAP on alternatives * stickster finish draft by Thu 2015-Oct-01, alert roshi for editing, do graphic for ryanlerch review * ryanlerch edit systemd intro article & do a better graphic * ryanlerch publish Wednesday 2015-Sep-30 * ryanlerch take over stellarium article * stickster * stickster Break systemd article into separate pitches to be assigned next week * stickster Move SFD 2015 post to draft * stickster finish draft by Thu 2015-Oct-01, alert roshi for editing, do graphic for ryanlerch review * **UNASSIGNED** * (none)
People Present (lines said) --------------------------- * stickster (148) * decause (69) * ryanlerch (60) * roshi (43) * FranciscoD_ (34) * zodbot (14) * jflory7 (7) * nirik (2) * tatica (1)
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