Happy 2008! We have six to eight months on how to best put out the word about Fedora 10! I think small Newspaper ADs showing the NEW Fedora 10 Logo and what event would present it might be the way to go! Something like a type of Expo that shows what Fedora 10 AND Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 can do for a home, small business, or enterprise. There should be give- aways of Fedora 10 with a DEMO of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 attached! There should be low cost laptops, desktops, & servers sold there that can run Fedora or Red Hat. There should be inexpensive sweatshirts, t-shirts, baseball caps, & usb flash drives all bearing either the Fedora 10 Logo or the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Logo. There should be sausage, hot dogs, popcorn, brownies, and soda available to all who come, with the proceeds going to the OLPC project.
Fedora 10 must be on par with Ubuntu 8 & Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 that can run older Windoze Games, has optional MAC OS X-like features, a longer life cycle, GIMP 2.6, OpenOffice 2.4, GNOME 2.22 or 2.4, Audacity, KompoZer, Inkscape, Scribus, and some type of Video Editor.
I hope I can get some insight and/or help about starting a Linux Magazine right here in Boston!
I contacted Karlie Robinson at on-disk.com about such a bold project! It's important that a North American based Linux Magazine is available on newsstands everywhere!
Mark McLaughlin linuxglobe.wordpress.com Hudson, MA