Le 14 déc. 2011 à 22:20, Stathis Iosifidis (aka diamond_gr) a écrit :
Like with my precedent mail, I'm ccing to all Medical Linux distro teams because I believe that this discussion can be done in collaboration with all teams (even if the final result will be different for each team). See my precedent mail about a central mailing list.
Next week I'm planing to have the first medical project meeting. I'll inform you about.
Following what mentioned: http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-medical/2011-11/msg00007.html
I was searching a way how to create a live cd fully functional.
I think that you will not be able to create a LiveCD with fully functional MySQL, PostGreSQL servers. If you succeed with an installation of these server, data will be lost at each restart.
Assuming that your wishes are: - distributing an easy system for app testing - install and preconfigure medical&related apps - make this fully installable (system and config) to any computer
I suggest to dig around LiveUSB with data persistence instead of digging deeper in LiveCD.
(with a simplification) There are two kinds of LiveUSB: - LiveUSB installator * same as LiveCD installator * install a complete system to your computer using an USBKey, no data persistence. * Usefull in our case but not what you are looking for. - LiveUSB installation * same as a computer installation * Linux is completely installed on an USBKey with all driver needed to process hardware config, * a specific partition is created for the data persistence. * This allows you to create a full OpenSuse/Debian/Ubuntu/Fedora
There is a similar project here:
I'm not a LiveUSB guru but I succeed on create a live usb drive with a 4Go key and ubuntu. Unfortunately, I didn't succeed to boot it from my MacBook, and I didn't go further (install personnal packages and config). It started on a Dell computer.
What do you think about this orientation ? ----- Eric Maeker, MD (Fr) http://www.freemedforms.com http://www.ericmaeker.fr