Hello! Yes exactly, it's the same request, in that case Giuseppe wrote as a representative of CataniaLUG. We wanted to write it here too with our official email after reading here: https://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/mindshare-committee/release-parties/#_hosting_release_parties

Thank you very much for all the interest you are showing in our GNU/Linux Day 2021!

Il 27/09/21 22:52, Marie Nordin ha scritto:
Hi there,

This is great, I am glad there will be Fedorans at this event :) Thank you for organizing a presence there. 

I think this request is related to https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/296 ? We are working through the details on that ticket. If not, please open a new ticket for this request.



Marie Nordin

Fedora Community Action and Impact Coordinator

Red Hat Fedora Project


T: +1.973.800.4967

IRC: riecatnor

On Wed, Sep 22, 2021 at 6:12 AM info <info@catania.linux.it> wrote:
Hello everyone, we are the Linux User Group (LUG) of Catania (Italy,
https://www.catania.linux.it), a community of FLOSS enthusiasts,
students and professionals. For years in our city we have been doing our
best to make Free Software and Open Source known, organizing events and
meetings about it. This year, in particular, after a pause given by the
pandemic situation, we are resuming organizing one of our biggest
events, simultaneously with the other cities of Italy: Linux Day 2021.

The Linux Day, https://www.linuxday.it/2021/, is an annual event mainly
organized by local LUGs that will be held in various places around the
country. Some of these events are little ones limited to a bunch of
passionate people and tinkerers, while other ones could be prominent
occasions to meet developers and other kind of FLOSS contributors. The
audience (and the number of attendees) you can meet at the event are:
curious people, beginners, hobbyists, high school students, IT
professionals, university students (where there is an university),
makers, and so on.

As in previous years, an installation party was also organized in 2019,
where we helped people choose which GNU/Linux distros to install on
their computer, and in particular we performed several Fedora
installations. Some photos here:

This year we would like to repeat the installation party, would it be
possible to support this event with some Fedora swag?

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