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--- Comment #7 from Kalev Lember <kalev(a)> 2009-04-17 11:25:50 EDT ---
New Package CVS Request
Package Name: mingw32-opensc
Short Description: MingGW Windows OpenSC library
Owners: kalev rjones
Branches: F-11
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Thomas Sailer <t.sailer(a)> changed:
What |Removed |Added
Flag|fedora-review? |fedora-review+
--- Comment #6 from Thomas Sailer <t.sailer(a)> 2009-04-17 11:12:37 EDT ---
APPROVED by sailer.
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Thomas Sailer <t.sailer(a)> changed:
What |Removed |Added
AssignedTo|nobody(a) |t.sailer(a)
Flag| |fedora-review?
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Thomas Sailer <t.sailer(a)> changed:
What |Removed |Added
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Thomas Sailer <t.sailer(a)> changed:
What |Removed |Added
CC| |t.sailer(a)
--- Comment #4 from Thomas Sailer <t.sailer(a)> 2009-04-17 09:24:57 EDT ---
Fedora review mingw32-libxml++-2.26.0-1.fc11.src.rpm 2008-04-17
Another scratch build:
rpmlint output:
$ rpmlint mingw32-opensc-0.11.7-2.fc12.src.rpm
mingw32-opensc-0.11.7-2.fc12.noarch.rpm mingw32-opensc.spec
mingw32-opensc.noarch: E: file-in-usr-marked-as-conffile
mingw32-opensc.noarch: E: script-without-shebang
mingw32-opensc.noarch: E: wrong-script-end-of-line-encoding
mingw32-opensc.noarch: E: script-without-shebang
mingw32-opensc.noarch: E: wrong-script-end-of-line-encoding
2 packages and 1 specfiles checked; 5 errors, 0 warnings.
As per Packaging/MinGW, these errors can be ignored (counting .bat files as
"windows executables").
+ OK
! needs attention
+ rpmlint output
+ Package is named according to Fedora MinGW packaging guidelines
+ Specfile name matches the package base name
+ Package follows the Fedora MinGW packaging guidelines
+ License meets guidelines and is acceptable to Fedora
+ License matches the actual package license
It is also the same as in the corresponding Fedora libxml++ package
+ The package contains the license file (COPYING)
+ Spec file is written in American English
+ Spec file is legible
+ Upstream sources match sources in the srpm
419e9be372c2f9bbb3ce9704c929d5ec opensc-0.11.7.tar.gz
419e9be372c2f9bbb3ce9704c929d5ec ../SOURCES/opensc-0.11.7.tar.gz
n/a Package builds in mock
n/a ExcludeArch bugs filed
+ BuildRequires list all build dependencies
n/a %find_lang instead of %{_datadir}/locale/*
n/a binary RPM with shared library files must call ldconfig in %post and
+ Does not use Prefix: /usr
+ Package owns all directories it creates
+ No duplicate files in %files
+ %files has %defattr
+ %clean contains rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+ Consistent use of macros
+ Package must contain code or permissible content
n/a Large documentation files should go in -doc subpackage
+ Files marked %doc should not affect package
n/a Header files should be in -devel
Fedora MinGW guidelines allow headers in main package
n/a Static libraries should be in -static
+ Packages containing pkgconfig (.pc) files need 'Requires: pkgconfig'
n/a must go in -devel
n/a -devel must require the fully versioned base
n/a Packages should not contain libtool .la files
Fedora MinGW guidelines allow .la files
n/a Packages containing GUI apps must include %{name}.desktop file
+ Packages must not own files or directories owned by other packages
+ %install begins with rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+ Filenames must be valid UTF-8
! use %global instead of %define
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