
I try to create a CI/CD pipeline that would allow to automatically cross-compile gImageReader's GTK interface for Windows. Here is the Dockerfile in my fork: https://github.com/AvtechScientific/gImageReader/blob/master/packaging/win32/Dockerfile . To build it, one needs to run: `sudo docker build -t gimagereader_buildenv packaging/win32`, to build GTK UI run `sudo docker run -v $PWD:/workspace gimagereader_buildenv packaging/win32/makeinstaller.sh x86_64 gtk`.

I was able to make some progress but now I'm stuck with `uuid`. Here is CMake's error: Checking for module 'uuid' --   No package 'uuid' found. Full error output: https://paste.debian.net/1201327/ If I run `find / -name "*uuid*"` inside of the container it looks like uuid is there and here is what I get: https://paste.debian.net/1201326/ .

1. Does the existence of these files imply that libuuid-devel was actually added to MinGW, just not as a separate package?


2. In order to overcome this issue I tried to look on the Fedora's native uuid.pc and adopt it inside of the container:

nano /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/lib/pkgconfig/uuid.pc


Name: uuid
Description: Universally unique id library
Version: 2.37.0
Cflags: -I${includedir}/
Libs: -L${libdir} -luuid

I'm not sure it is correct, but CMake accepted it so far...

Does this file looks OK to you?

3. May I ask you to add a separate mingw package for libuuid-devel (with pkg-config file uuid.pc)?

Thank you in advance!