3rd International workshop on Big Data and Social Networking Management and Security (BDSN-2015).
In conjunction with the
8th IEEE/ACM Conference On Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC-2015),
December 7-10, 2015, Limassol, Cyprus.
Data has always been recognized as an important asset for driving value be it scientific, governmental or for enterprise. The amount of data being generated constantly with high volume, velocity and variety has marked the emergence of "Big Data" as a contemporary research challenge with vast opportunities. In the context of the digital-world, the internet and Social Networks have contributed immensely in generating Big Data pools. Hundreds of millions of people around the globe are nowadays connected using different type of social networks. Big Data and Social Networks become interrelated in the modern computing agenda being both concerned with intensive data. As much opportunities they hold, Big Data and Social Networks come with their own challenges such as management, Security, Processing etc. In order to unlock the potentials of these technologies, innovative solutions are required, which will leverage new models in computing.
The 3rd International workshop on Big Data and Social Networking Management and Security will be a forum for scientists, researchers, students, and practitioners to present their latest research results, ideas, developments, and applications in the areas of big data and social networking. We are mainly interested in receiving state of the art work on different aspect of big data management system, big data security and privacy, cloud computing and big data, social networking and big data analytics, and social networking management and security, to mention but few.